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5 Powerful SEO Tips For Writing Better Blog Posts In 2024

Everybody has their confusions when it comes to optimizing content for search engines.

Making it easier for Search Bots to analyze your content will increase organic traffic to your blog, and that’s how you win the pace.

But are you really shaping your content for Search Engines?

If you give it a try, Search Engine Optimization is not so hard, and it’s one of the most important tactics you should prioritize in your blog promotion strategies.

In this article, I will be sharing Powerful SEO Tips For Writing Better Blog Posts and Optimizing Individual Blog Posts before publishing.

What Are The Powerful Tips For Writing Better Blog Posts?

Etsy SEO techniques
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Let’s start from the first thing to the last.

1. Optimization of Titles on your Posts

Titles or headlines are the decisions of users when it comes to whether to read them or not.

But it also plays a vital role in Search Engine Rankings. Tweak it harder, and the results will be astonishing.

So how do you optimize your titles for Search Engine?

  • Include your Main Keywords in your Title.
  • Keep it short but descriptive.
  • Use Long Tail Keywords, which people might search for.
  • Avoid using words twice or more. A word a single time is enough.
  • Use multiple keywords wisely.
  • Always balance it between 70 characters or less. More of it will show an excerpt in the Search Results, confusing the users.

But make sure you don’t overthrow your content for Search Engines. Your ability to use Titles will decide your Click-through Rate.

2. Optimization of Meta Description

As you know, the description tag appears just after the title on search results, and it does more than inform your readers about the article.

When bots analyse and index specific content, they keep fragments of the content in the description tag.

So whenever a Googler searches for a query, the system will submit a list of content/pages that more closely match that keyword and description.

So, you must really make good use of your Meta Description tags for a higher impression.

  • Make sure you use at least 2 combinations of Long Tail Keywords in your description.
  • Just like the way we did in Titles, you must keep an eye for repetition.
  • Try to avoid stuffing or unnecessary use of words like – is, of, and, to & or.
  • Make sure you don’t use Special Characters in your description.
  • Please keep it to 156 characters.

Knowing that it’s what the users see in the Search Results, the show makes them descriptive and magnetic.

3. Shaping the Meat, Content Optimization

I would love to call the content Meat because it’s a high priority on your blog.

It decides your Blogging Career Totally. Always give top priority to your content, and you won’t regret it.

Ops! Am I throwing you off from the topic? Sorry! Let’s get straight to it.

Key Elements of Writing Great Headlines

Before proceeding, I’d like to inform you that your content is the life of your blog. Always remember to keep your readers first on the list.

They are the blood of your blog. 🙂 Shape it for Search Engines later.

Keywords are the door to organic traffic. Make good use of relevant keywords.

Do Keyword Research more often, which will dramatically improve your writing skills and traffic rate. Try to stick to relevant keywords.

  • Bold up your Main Keywords.
  • Italics are your phrases that have a chance to be searched.
  • Make sure your content stays within the limit of 600 – 900 characters. 750 is the green zone. So throw for 650, and you will hopefully reach 750 in the end 🙂
  • Replace ordinary keywords with Long Tail Keywords.

Oh! Did I say Long Tail Keywords? I think I’ve missed it. Long Tail Keywords are the best way to demolish SEO at the present situation if you ask me.

Let’s take an example. If you wanted to learn the magic trick of vanishing a coin, what would you search for?

  1. Coin Magic Trick
  2. How to do the Vanishing Coin Magic Trick

Ask yourself, and you will definitely go for the second one since it’s more human.

People search humanly these days since the Search engines have changed a lot.

Finally, if you are the one who goes for the first query, no offence, I think you have a serious problem with it! 🙂

And that’s how you make use of Long Tail Keywords. Replace the poor, short ones with long tails and let the results amaze you.

4. Include Subheading Tags Inside Your Post

Don’t forget to slice and shape your content into small fragments. It will improve the ease of readability and flags green for search engines.

Make sure you use at least the h2 and h3 tags.

It will tell the Search Engines, “Hey! I have a bunch of Stories inside, and you might want to include me at the top of the list.”

5. Optimizing Images On Your Blog Posts

You should always do image optimization for your blog, too. Optimizing has two benefits. Making it easier for readers and search engines.

Always implement two or more images on your blog posts.

Create And Optimize Landing Pages

This will enhance the richness of your content and push it to the top of the Search Engine Rankings.

  • Use a short description that includes keywords on the ‘alt tags’ of your Images.
  • Use Title tags with long-tail keywords, and make sure they describe the image to the readers when they hover over it.
  • The file name also matters. So, give relevant and appropriate names for your images.

It’s best if you implement images only after completing the post. This will help you to write in a flow and output great content.

Quick Links:

Conclusion: Tips For Writing Better Blog Posts

Howdy Blogger. Aaahrg! Be a lion and shape your content for Search Engines from the next time onwards.

Make good use of these Powerful SEO Tips, and you won’t regret it.

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Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja, a WordPress Plugin, and he is also the founder of multi-award-winning blog,, along with, and Megablogging. He is a successful online marketer & award-winning digital marketing consultant. He has been featured on HuffingtonPost, BusinessWorld, YourStory, Payoneer, Lifehacker & other leading publications as a successful blogger & digital marketer.

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