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12 Blogging Mistakes That Almost Kill Anyone’s Blog In 2024

Do you know any blogger yet who never committed any mistake in his whole blogging journey? To be honest, there is no one. Why no one?

Because no one in this world is perfect, and we are prone to making mistakes, we live in a world where everything can be rectified based on our learning from our past mistakes.

The more you commit mistakes, the more you learn from them.

We all have made mistakes in our blogging journey, and that’s why only we know how to fix them.

Yes, every professional blogger has made some mistakes in their blogging life, and if they can make such mistakes, then why can’t we?

All you need to know is how to fix your mistake to give your blogging life a great peak point.

In reality, every mistake you have made till now is a lesson for your blogging journey, which can affect your blog’s traffic, revenue, relations, and other things.

All these depend on your experience, skills, hard work and learning.

Likewise, I have committed the same stupid blogging mistakes, which affected me in terms of activity, income, relationships, and time.

Due to this, I lost traffic, Alexa rank, and Adsense revenue score, and, on top of it, I lost relations with readers and wasted my time.

Well! Well! After a great downfall in my blogging journey, I was able to identify my blogging mistakes and learn how to fix them.

So today, we will discuss all those silly mistakes that anyone can encounter in their blogging Journey.

Believe it or not, these silly blogging mistakes can cause a lot of trouble, even if you work 24/7 on your blog.

So, what are the possibilities of mistakes in your blogging journey? Let’s see how we can fix these mistakes.

12 Blogging Mistakes That Almost Kill Anyone’s Blog In 2024


1. Being Lazy In Work

If we are talking about laziness, then yes, I am lazy. I don’t know about you all, but at times, I am too lazy to work.

Truly, I am lazy about updating my blog on a regular basis. I am too lazy to write down all the great ideas that I scribble on paper. I want everything easily. I don’t want to work hard to achieve success.

I forget that achieving success is not that easy.

There is no substitute for hard work.  If you want to achieve success, then you have to work hard.

You don’t get things easily because others are working hard to succeed in life.

Moreover, If we were to get everything easily, then there would be no value left to it.

Therefore, avoid being lazy and become more proactive.


Tips: Avoid laziness and become productive. Laziness may harm your career and destroy your newly expanded online business. Exercise, keep your mind fresh, and focus on work.

This will help you to avoid laziness.

2. Not Maintaining The Post Frequency

I really apologise for not maintaining my blog post frequency in past years due to my illness and other factors.

I don’t get time to post even a single article in a month, which is my fault.

This mistake made me lose my valuable audience, and I had to work harder to regain readers’ trust and earn their interest in my blog again.

Now I realize why blog post frequency is important for a blog. Users revisit your blog to see a new post and what’s happening on your blog.

If you don’t update them regularly, or they don’t see a new post everytime they visit your blog, they stop visiting your website, and your online business starts decreasing.

This mistake affects a lot in terms of traffic, revenue and Alexa ranking.

Tips: Try to maintain your post frequency, at least one blog post per month, to keep users engaged. If you are not able to maintain posting frequency, you are bound to lose your valuable audience like I did.

Blog Post frequency is quite important for your online business, and that’s why popular bloggers update their blogs regularly.

3. Never Replying To The Comments

In past years, I never responded to comments on my blog. I became a little arrogant with my blog because it was growing faster.

I feel very bad for this blogging mistake because it affected me negatively.

I have lost my regular readers and their trust in me.

I forget how replying to every comment is important to build a relationship with readers. It helps you to build relationships with readers and persuade them to come back again to visit your website.

This method will also help you build trust among your readers and show your humility to them.

Tips: Try to reply to every comment posted on your blog. It helps you to build good relations and trust with your readers.

If you fail to maintain this, you will also lose your readers like I have. So be helpful, reply to every comment on your blog and  avoid spammy comments on your blog.

4. Not Building An Email List Early

Why is an email list essential for your blog? (To increase your affiliate earnings, sales and profits.)

No, you are thinking wrong.

An email list helps to achieve those things, but most importantly, it will help you build traffic for your blog.

Look at the Neil Patel, Pat Flynn, Jeff Bullas, they build an email list to drive traffic to their websites and keep users’ updated. They don’t really promote affiliate products on their email lists.

I made the biggest mistake of not collecting my readers’ emails from the beginning. This mistake affected me a lot, and I lost a great deal of visitors and profit from my blog by not building email lists.

I strongly recommend that you build your email list from day one and never neglect it in your online business.

Always try to provide useful information to your users and keep them updated.

Never send too many affiliate emails to your readers, as this can lead to losing valuable readers of your blog.

Tips: Focus on building your quality email list from day one. There are many paid and free email-building tools. Use them to grow your online business.

5. Not Optimizing Posts Properly

I didn’t know what SEO was or what it could do in my past years of blogging. I was a completely newbie at the time.

If you have seen my previous posts about blogging, they are not well-optimized and poorly written.

This mistake caused me to have poor organic traffic to my blog. I lost my value in search engines, but thanks to WordPress and its repository, I am now able to drive a good amount of organic traffic to my blog.

I focused mainly on this mistake and made many improvements in my SEO techniques. Now, I can drive high-quality organic traffic to my blog every day.

Tips: As a newbie blogger, first focus on SEO and learn it. It is the most important element in driving organic traffic to your blog. Learning some basic SEO elements at the beginning is not hard, but it will help a lot. I made this mistake, and it affected my blog growth, but you don’t repeat it.

6. Never Using The Benefits Of Guest Blogging

Recently, Google penalised the largest guest blogging network.

Why Google took this step, I don’t know, but now I am cursing myself for not using the benefit of guest blogging early.

Before it gets too late to take advantage of guest blogging, I write some posts on other blogs to join the wave of guest blogging.

After posting some articles on other blogs, within two weeks, I saw a good sign from my guest blogging activity.

Guest blogging is important for you. It helps you to build your brand, create a network with other bloggers and establish your authority.

If you want to build strong authority, then get started with guest blogging.

Tips: Start guest blogging as early as possible, but before applying for guest blogging, maintain at least 50 good-quality posts on your blog. This is a good sign to get you to accept fast guest posting by other bloggers.

7. Never Building Relations With Other Bloggers

I would not hesitate to say that in past years, I have been a little arrogant about my blog’s success.

I was getting a good amount of referral traffic from other blogs, which resulted in a mindset where I felt no need to network with peer bloggers.

I underestimated the power of networking with others. Therefore, I never tried to build relationships with other active bloggers.

I underestimated the power of networking with others. Therefore, I never tried to build relationships with other active bloggers.

Why is this networking important?

There are many benefits of building a network with other bloggers. You can ask for help, reviews, technical help, guest posting, etc.

This networking technique helps you in the long term. It is the best way to survive in the blogging world and help each other grow.

Tips: Networking is the most important element in blogging. Connect with other bloggers using social media, email them, and comment on their blogs regularly. These things help you build relations with other bloggers and get noticed by them.

8. Never Reading The Other Blogger’s Blog Post

Why do I need to read other blogs? I have my blog to publish and invite other people to read it.

But later, I understood this mistake. Without having proper knowledge, how can you entertain your online readers?

You are a newbie, and if you don’t keep proper updates or knowledge, you are going to end your online business.

Many well-established bloggers are still using the advantage of other ProBlogger’s knowledge to keep readers entertained.

You are not a master or have proper experience blogging. Without gaining the knowledge, you are going to lose your audience, and it is harmful to your online business.

So, first, gain the maximum knowledge, keep updating yourself with industry trends, and then share your own words with your online readers.

This method also helps you to build your persona online.

Tips: Go and visit other popular blogs. Read their blog post, which they have published on their blog. It will help you to gain knowledge and keep updated with industry trends. Learn how they present their thoughts through their blog and try to learn those skills.

9. Never Building Social Branding

I am addicted to social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Google +. I spend hours of time hanging out with my online friends and updating my status and photos.

I never realized the power of social media for my online business. This is the biggest blogging mistake I have ever made.

Social media has a great influencing power. It helps to create brand awareness and spread word of mouth, but I underestimate the power of social media.

After a few years, I realized my mistake, and then I started building my online presence.

This blogging mistake harmed my online reputation a lot, and I lost my valuable followers and likes.

Tips: Social media has a great branding power. Focus to build your online presence from day one. It is  helpful to gain traffic as well as online branding. This helps you to get free publicity for your online brand.

10. Wasting More Time On Social Media

As I said, I am addicted to social media and love to hang out with my online friends.

I spend hours chatting, tweeting, status updating, tagging, and many more things.

Now I realize this was a mere waste of time, and you become lazy and addicted. This mistake affected my blogging productivity.

If I could have utilized the precious time I wasted on my social media in branding and blogging, then I would have definitely produced good results.

I suggest you avoid using social media as too much of it is a diversion from your real work and a waste of time.

Use it for social branding purposes. It is more beneficial for you and your online business to gain the trust of your online audience.

Tips: Social media have its plus points and negative points also. Use it for building networks and online business branding. Stop spending too much of time on it and become productive. It will give you a good return in long term for your online business.

11. Never Treating Blogging As A Business

This is my mistake that, I never treated my blogging as a business. I always considered it as a hobby. This blogging mistake reduced my productivity.

Blogging as a business and as a hobby are two different things. Treating it as a business can help you increase your productivity and branding.

Treating it as a hobby can reduce your productivity and kill your online business.

Look at other pro-bloggers like Copyblogger, BloggingCage, QuickSprout, and ShoutMeLoud. They treat their blogging as a business.

Therefore, they produce maximum productivity and make a living from it.

Tips: Always consider blogging a business. This will help you maximize your productivity and plan your future growth for your online business. Never see it as a hobby, or it will kill your online business.

12. Imagining Money Will Magically Appear

If we talk about Money, then definitely neither it grows on trees nor does it come through the Internet by some magic tricks.

The only way to get money is to put your efforts in the right direction no matter what you are doing.

What matters in the end is-  how you are doing and how you are working for it.

There are lots of people who sit around and dream big.

If you want to achieve some real goals, then you have to wake up yourself and work on your dreams to achieve success.

Tips: If you want to earn money then you have to face this real world where everything is getting done with some well-crafted Plans & Ideas. All you need to do is look forward to your blogging journey and make your blog worldwide famous.

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Conclusion: Blogging Mistakes To Avoid 2024

In the past year, I have made many blogging mistakes. I did not focus on my blog, and I wasted lots of time on other activities rather than blogging.

I never treated my blogging as my online business.

These mistakes caused me to suffer a lot and reduced my productivity.

I don’t want to let this happen to you. Take a lesson from these mistakes, which I have made and keep yourself productive in your blogging journey.

Share these mistakes with your friends, and I hope that this guide becomes helpful for them as well in case they are also on the verge of committing these mistakes in their blogging journey.

These mistakes look small but can be tremendously harmful in the long term, and there is no way other than to accept your mistakes and start working on them as early as possible.

Thanks for reading this article. If you have any queries or suggestions regarding your blogging journey, please feel free to share them with BloggingCage through the comment section below.

Have a nice day!

arun singh
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I am Arun Singh, an experienced server management geek with a track record of over 8 years in handling hosting servers. I am currently based in Mumbai, India, where I work in a private company and I also handle server management at Alongside my expertise in server management, I also enjoy sharing my knowledge in digital marketing. With a passion for both fields, I strive to provide optimal server performance and occasionally contribute insights in the ever-evolving realm of digital marketing. My dedication to excellence drives me to deliver efficient solutions and contribute to the success of businesses.

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