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7 Crucial Steps for Successful Blogging In 2024: Are You Ready To Follow Them?

Let’s Talk About Crucial Steps for Successful Blogging

Trends and algorithms are changing very rapidly in the online battlefield.

Blogging has taken on a new avatar, and everyone is learning new techniques for long-term survival.

Where some webmasters support great content, while others support great SEO efforts, home-based businesses have just turned into a big topic of discussion, and many people are trying their luck in this field.


Still, we are missing a few basic steps that can make us successful bloggers.

Many people still think that starting a blog and making it popular is too easy. This is the biggest reason behind the large number of blogs starting daily.

So, What Are the Crucial Steps For Successful Blogging?

Here, we are going to talk about a few steps that you might be aware of but are still not taking proper action.

Think about each step very carefully and then relate it to your blog.

Whether you are a novice or a professional blogger, keep these things in mind before starting your next blog.

Blogging Statistics and Facts

1. Select The Appropriate Domain Name

When starting a blog, selecting a domain name is the first and most crucial step for its success and identity.

A friend of mine covered this topic on his blog, which he named $10 CEO. He discussed the potential of bloggers in his posts.

It’s important to choose a domain that represents your blog’s niche, making it easier to promote your blog through its name.

If you have a specific keyword in mind and are unable to find a related domain, you can consider looking for expired domains.

This can be a cost-effective way to find a high-authority domain for just a few dollars.

Here Are a Few Qualities of a Domain That You Must Look for!

  1. It should contain your main keyword in it. e.g if you want to start a blog on eye problems, then having keyword eyes in the domain would be a better idea. Note: There are some exceptions, too, where blogs are very successful without having any keywords in them.
  2. It should not contain alphanumeric characters because when you tell your domain to a third person orally, you will have to stress numbers every time. For example, suppose I have the domain name In this case, every time, I will have to say that it’s number 2, not two.
  3. Avoid country-specific domains (e.g. .in, .au, .it, .io etc.) because Google has algorithms to give priorities to those domains in those specific countries only.

2. Choose Your CMS Wisely

Choosing CMS depends on the amount of freedom you want to have when running that blog. In the present scenario, most bloggers use WordPress because of its ease of handling.


There are many platforms out there, such as Blogger, Xanga, Tumblr, Typepad, Yola, etc. So, it all depends on your needs and interests.

I personally recommend WordPress. It is a powerful CMS that allows you to extend its features using plugins.

At present, the WordPress repository has 26,787 plugins so that you can select them according to your requirements.

With awesome themes, you can easily make WordPress look professional and beautify it.

Select the theme of your blog very carefully and try to make it unique and neat. Theme selection itself is a tedious task, so do it very carefully.

3. Knowledge About Your Niche

Many newbie bloggers are making one common mistake – selecting their blog’s niche by seeing their friends.

They don’t know about their interest and their passion. They start a blog because they just want a blog.

Knowledge in blogging plays the most important, or I can say crucial, role because you cannot write on a topic that you don’t know.

I agree that you can write 2-3 or 10 articles on such topics, but what about going for the long run?

Yes !! You cannot write. So before starting a blog, collect appropriate knowledge about your blog’s topic and try to make a deep study.

ZenHabits is a great example of knowledge when Leo (the author) writes about his personal experience. It is one of the best single-author blogs in the world.

4. Your Engagement

This point might seem weird, but I have seen many bloggers envy each other.

We just want to become king/queen in such a short time that we want to see only our blog shining everywhere. This is not a strategy, my friend.

If you want to grow yourself, then start appreciating others’ work and linking to it in your articles.

This will not only increase the reputation of your blog but also strengthen your links with other bloggers.

We are here to make this world better by writing for them, and we cannot do it alone.

Start making new online friends and try to join hangouts where people are already chatting with each other.

To do this, you can try various internet marketing forums and communities like Reddit, Quora, and Inbound.

Interaction In Comments

Start interacting with people who visit your blog and appreciate your efforts. Visit their blogs and appreciate their efforts.

This will create a strong bond with that person, and you can exchange your ideas with each other.

If you are good at exchanging ideas, then you will get success very fast. ~ Kulwant Nagi

Here is one example where my online friends Harleena is interacting with her readers in such a graceful manner that it is truly appreciable.

5. Concentrate On Quality

People visit your blog because they want something. They are looking for a solution to a problem you have written about on your blog.

If you do not fulfil their desire, they will not return to your blog.


Concentrating on writing what you know will make a strong connection with your readers, and you will be able to express your thoughts more clearly.

Here are a few ideas which you can use to write interesting content.

  1. Try to write your self-experience article. People love to read such articles a lot.
  2. Write list articles on your blog because they give a clear idea about the number of points that a reader is going to read in that article.
  3. Take interviews with other bloggers. People love to read the real-life stories of great bloggers. This will strengthen your relationship with the interviewees, and they will share the stories with their followers, so you will get more exposure.
  4. Add good images in the article and use proper points and bullet points.

This step will give you many loyal readers who will love to visit your blog on a regular basis.

6. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is an awesome way to kill many birds with just a single shot. You cannot succeed online if you do not do guest blogging.

Guest blogging is the backbone of any blog’s success. All big internet marketers have used it and continue to use it to gain many benefits.

Here are a few benefits

  1. We get backlinks (Yeah, I know you are happy to hear this ;))
  2. We get more online exposure by interacting with more people.
  3. We get new subscribers.
  4. We get more sales and more identity of our brand.

And there might be many other benefits too.

Make a schedule to write at least 2-3 posts in a month (minimum) and stick with it.

7. Promotion

Promotion is the highest priority. If you can understand the perfect ways to promote your blog, then you can take your blog to a very high level in a very short time.

For any article to succeed – You must devote 20% of your efforts to writing and 80% to promotion. So promotion is everything.

With a proper promotion plan, you can reach more people and attract a wider audience. Here are a few methods of promotion.

  1. Guest blogging (As I said already).
  2. Quality comments on famous blogs.
  3. Forum posting.
  4. Social media promotion.
  5. Link bait.
  6. Relationship with other bloggers.
  7. Giveaways on your blog.
  8. Interviews of great bloggers.

If you learn the tactics to attract more people to your blog, then things will become easier for you.

Quick Links:

Conclusion: Crucial Steps for Successful Blogging 

These are a few tips that you must consider if you want to raise your voice in the blogosphere.

I hope you will adopt these successful blogging tips for your current or upcoming blog and have great success with these plans.

Over to you- If you think that there must be a few more points which we should consider then don’t hesitate to suggest.

I would love to hear your awesome thoughts.

Share this article with your friends so that they can learn something better. 🙂

arun singh
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I am Arun Singh, an experienced server management geek with a track record of over 8 years in handling hosting servers. I am currently based in Mumbai, India, where I work in a private company and I also handle server management at Alongside my expertise in server management, I also enjoy sharing my knowledge in digital marketing. With a passion for both fields, I strive to provide optimal server performance and occasionally contribute insights in the ever-evolving realm of digital marketing. My dedication to excellence drives me to deliver efficient solutions and contribute to the success of businesses.

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