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6 Questions Which You Should Ask Yourself Before Starting a Blog In 2024?

In This Post, Let’s Talk About Questions Which You Should Ask Yourself Before Starting a Blog

Nowadays, blogging has become very popular among a large group of internet users. It is a social platform that connects many individuals with a wealth of information.

Blogging is considered the precursor to today’s social media platforms and is commonly used for both sharing personal experiences and promoting businesses and services.

Bloggers worldwide write to provide news, updates, and a variety of information to users globally. There are numerous individual blogs intended to share personal information, such as those of celebrities connecting with their fans.

While creating a blog is simple these days and almost everyone has one, not everyone should have a blog.

Managing an effective blog can be challenging, stressful, and time-consuming, but it can also bring many benefits. Before starting a blog, it’s important to ask yourself some critical questions.

What Are Your Goals Or Objectives for Your Blog?

Blogging Statistics and Facts

It’s crucial to consider the reason for starting a blog. Many people start blogging because it’s popular, or they believe that by writing a couple of posts, they will instantly become a popular bloggers.

However, these are not the right reasons to start a blog!

You need to have a clear purpose and objective for your blog. If you fail to identify the purpose of your blog, you won’t become an effective blogger.

Setting the right objectives will help you track the progress of your blog. The objectives should be based on the topic of your blog.

Do I Have Time to Manage My Blog?

A successful blog writer needs to have a plan for publishing content on their blog. The frequency of publishing depends on the topic being covered.

Once you have the latest updates on the topic, publish them and make them available to your readers.

It’s crucial only to publish unique, fresh, and non-duplicated content. Search engines strictly enforce policies against blogs that contain duplicated content from other sources. If you engage in such practices, your blog may be permanently banned by Google.

Maintaining a blog is not as easy as it seems; it’s a significant responsibility, especially if you aim for a successful blog. It’s important to allocate enough time for your blog.

I’ve seen too many blogs that are started and then abandoned shortly after. Creating excellent and original posts takes time. If you don’t have the time for blogging, it might be best not to start a blog.

Remember, you don’t have to publish every day. It’s your website, and you have the right to set your own schedule. However, consistency is crucial in the blogosphere. Success doesn’t happen overnight.

Whom Do You Want To Reach With Your Blog?

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It’s important to keep in mind that search engines are not mind readers. They are essentially computer programs, and they need some guidance to be able to find and connect you with your intended audience.

To ensure that your blog or website is discoverable, you need to target your audience. This means understanding the people you are writing for and what they are looking for.

Only then can you effectively provide the content they are seeking? For example, if you have a company that sells Barbie items, your target audience would be Barbie toy enthusiasts.

Understanding your audience is crucial for creating a searchable blog.

What Platform (If a Platform at all) Do I Want to Use for My Blog?

There are many great platforms available that make it easy to set up a blog, such as WordPress and Joomla.

However, choosing which one to use is a very personal decision. It might be a good idea to try out all of them and see which one works best for you.

You don’t want to end up like me, having to switch all your content later because you’re unhappy with the platform you initially chose.

If you are familiar with a certain platform, it may be best to stick with that.

Choosing the right platform is a very personal decision, but you should do some research before deciding what is best for you and your blog.

Starting with the first platform you find on a search engine may not work for you in the long run, and you may regret it later.

Can I Afford To Blog?

Creating blog can have a price. Remember charges such as buying a Host and renewing it yearly as well as per month may be too much for your pocket-money.

These are not essential to begin a blog but are suggested. Before beginning a blog, make sure you and your pocket money can manage it.

How Will I Manage My Blog’s Progress?


After getting through all such specialized stuff, your website is finally ready to publish. However, releasing a blog does not mean that you have done it all.

You need to have the right marketing plans for your blog using various methods. Posting articles on internet article directories and social bookmarking sites can help you gain high-quality backlinks for your blog.

You can also use social media promotion programs like Facebook, Twitter, etc, to promote your blog in order to increase visitors and traffic.

Writing a blog is an incredibly fulfilling experience, and I am excited that I am still blogging these days. But just like anything, it is not for everyone.

The key aspect is to blog about something you are enthusiastic about, and I am doing just that. And that is what is so excellent about blogging.

Finally, I would like to say that you should have a clear picture of every aspect in mind before starting a blog. If you are able to collect and manage all the things mentioned, then you need to worry a lot.

Blogging is a complete research of mind and market. If you have done everything perfectly, then you will see a shining future in blogging.

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Conclusion: Are You Ready to Start a Blog?

Starting a blog is an exciting journey, but it’s important to ask yourself a few key questions before diving in. Think about the questions mentioned above and what topics you’re passionate about.

Consider your audience and what they might want to read. Make sure you have the time and dedication needed to keep your blog updated.

Also, think about your goals—do you want to make money, share your knowledge, or just have fun? By answering these questions, you’ll have a clear direction and be ready to start your blogging adventure with confidence.

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Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja, a WordPress Plugin, and he is also the founder of multi-award-winning blog,, along with, and Megablogging. He is a successful online marketer & award-winning digital marketing consultant. He has been featured on HuffingtonPost, BusinessWorld, YourStory, Payoneer, Lifehacker & other leading publications as a successful blogger & digital marketer.

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