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10 Tips to Keep You Motivated When Starting Your Blog or Website In 2024

Starting your own blog or website is always a challenge for newbies or even professionals.

You may have various questions: where to start, how much to invest, and whether the blog will be successful.

As I write this article, I will apply some of the tips to myself because there will be days when you lack motivation, especially when you are just starting with your blog or website.

At times, you may feel good and be very enthusiastic about your blog.

There are also times when doubts arise, or you feel overwhelmed. You may even question whether it is really worth it.


It is normal to experience this when starting your own business because, in reality, your blog is your business.

Anytime you take a risk, a little bit of anxiety or even fear will arise from time to time.

But if you give up now, how will you ever know what the outcome will be? Of course, the answer is that you won’t know. No worries.

10 Tips to Keep You Motivated When Starting Your Blog or Website in 2024

Here are some practical tips that you can apply right now to keep you motivated when starting your blog or website.

1. Spend 15 Minutes Every Day on This Blog/Website

I very much agree with this tip because consistency is important if you want to see your blog grow.

You may even feel like quitting sometimes, but keep in mind that you only need to dedicate 15 minutes of your day, and before you know it, hours will have passed.

Just think about how much you can accomplish during these 15 minutes.

To keep your motivation strong, avoid overdoing writing or producing content. There will be times when you feel stuck and don’t know what to do next.

Rather than rushing things, try to take your time when you are writing or producing content.

2. Figure Out Your Passion/Niche

You need to know what you can talk about and what your focus is going to be for this blog or website.

Are you passionate about cooking? Are you good at making DIYs?

Are you interested in fashion and beauty? Establish this early on so that everything else will fall into place.

Your passion or niche is like your foundation. You need to develop this first before you start creating something on top of it.

3. Create a Schedule For Yourself

Create a schedule for yourself
Credits: Pixabay

This is similar to number 1; consistency is essential if you want to accomplish anything in life.

This applies to blogging as well because you only need to spend 30 minutes to an hour to write content for your blog.

I am writing this article every day because I want to complete this series of 10 tips to keep you motivated when starting your blog or website.

This way, you actually see the process and develop consistency as well.

4. Be Realistic 

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the same can also apply to a successful blog or website. It takes time. Just think of some successful companies or blogs.

Subway, Google, Twitter, and even Papa John’s weren’t a household name a few years ago.

Take time to build a following, a name for yourself, and loyal readers. And if you stick with it, they will be loyal to the end.

5. Reflect 

This is very important to do from time to time because sometimes you may tend to focus on what you haven’t achieved instead of what you have.

Look back and see how far you have come.

Try this exercise: Check your stats from a year ago. Have they improved? Maybe initially, you only had a few visits per week, but now you have hundreds.

What were you earning six months or even a year ago? Maybe you started out only making a few cents a day, but now you are earning a few dollars or even more.

Do you have more people returning to your site? More Facebook likes?

If you try this exercise, you will be encouraged and may find that you are doing better than you originally thought.

6. High Expectations 

High Expectations
credits: pixabay

Try to avoid having too many high expectations in the beginning. Take baby steps. You have to walk before you can run.

It is practical to have goals for your blog or website, but you also want to make sure that they are reachable because if they are not, you could set yourself up for disappointment.

I remember when I first started my blog.

I set up so many expectations, and it was discouraging because whenever I visited other websites to gain inspiration, they all seemed to grow quickly.

It made me feel like I wasn’t doing anything right or that maybe it wasn’t meant for me.

Try not to compare yourself with others too much and stick with what you know. It is better to be the second boat in a ship than the first horse of a wagon.

7. Avoid Comparison 

Try not to compare yourself with others. Sometimes, this is really hard to do, but remember that everybody’s circumstances are different.

It would be unrealistic to expect the same outcome for yourself that others may have had.

Although it is beneficial to check out your competition periodically, try to avoid comparing your site with theirs.

People appreciate different sites for different reasons. Remember that your blog or site is unique and like no one else’s.

8. Get Feedback 

Talk to a very close friend, your spouse, or your partner—someone who knows you well and has your best interest at heart.

I have done this many times and have never regretted it. They will encourage you and support you and your endeavours.

how to get feedback as blogger

We all need encouragement on occasion, and that is what a good friend or spouse is built for.

They may even offer suggestions and advice on ways you can improve.

9. Color 

You may wonder why this would be a factor in motivation. Colour can affect our mood, the way we work, and even our function. It can also be very inspiring.

Even when you are having a bad day, and the sun is shining bright, somehow, it seems to put you in a better mood.

That is because the colour yellow exudes happiness.

Purple has a calming effect, and orange can inspire you. If you can’t paint your home office, you can use colour to motivate yourself in other ways.

Here are a few ideas to incorporate colour into your workspace:

  • Candles
  • Pillows
  • Throws
  • Mousepad
  • Pens
  • Colored paper
  • Rugs
  • Plants
  • Chair

10. Look for Blogs that Inspire You 

Find a blog or website that is in your area of expertise or niche from which you get inspiration.

Read their background story of how they got started and the obstacles they had to overcome.

Many of them started out with the same hurdles that you may be facing but never gave up, which will encourage you to continue.

Try to avoid comparing or copying another website.

11. Dream 


It is good to envision what you want to achieve from your blog or website.

It can motivate you in so many different ways. It can also help you to set practical goals for yourself without feeling overwhelmed.

Write them down on paper. Who knows, in a few months, you may have reached or even surpassed your goals.

You are more likely to reach your goals if you set them.

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Conclusion: 10 Tips for Starting Your Blog or Website in 2024

Keeping yourself motivated when starting your blog or website is an ongoing process.

You have to keep trying and not allow failure to hinder your progress.

I wish you well on this journey! Now, it’s time for me to wrap up.

I hope you all enjoyed this short article. Feel free to leave any comments below.

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Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja, a WordPress Plugin, and he is also the founder of multi-award-winning blog,, along with, and Megablogging. He is a successful online marketer & award-winning digital marketing consultant. He has been featured on HuffingtonPost, BusinessWorld, YourStory, Payoneer, Lifehacker & other leading publications as a successful blogger & digital marketer.

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