You should email your LinkedIn URL to the person you want to share it with.
They will then be able to view your personal profile by clicking on the link.
However, suppose you are sharing in a professional environment (for example, adding your LinkedIn URL to your CV for employers or prospecting purposes). In that case, you may want to have a clear, neat URL.
But how do you locate your LinkedIn URL? And how do you personalise it?
What is a LinkedIn URL (address)?
A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the Internet address of a web page or resource.
It is used to visit this page or resource by typing the address into your browser’s address bar or, if clickable, by simply clicking on it.
Your browser will then take you to the requested page.
In other words, your LinkedIn URL is your professional profile’s address on LinkedIn. and the web address of your profile page are indicated.
It begins with and continues with some text.
LinkedIn should mention that it provides professional pages for businesses.
These businesses, like any other professional profile, have URLs on LinkedIn that may be shared or edited.
How to Change and Customize Your URL On LinkedIn?
How do you alter the URL of your LinkedIn profile now that you’ve discovered it? It is, in fact, really simple! If you use the second way to find your profile’s address, you only need to take one more step.
LinkedIn assigns a basic URL that is completely incomprehensible, and you should modify it. To accomplish this:
1. Check out your LinkedIn profile
2. You can edit your public profile and URL by clicking on “Edit Public Profile and URL” in the top right corner.
3. You can edit your custom URL by clicking the blue pencil icon under “Edit your custom URL”
4. Enter what you want in your URL.
Please keep in mind that spaces and special characters are not permitted. Your LinkedIn customised URL must also be between 3 and 100 characters long and unique.
Another network member should not have already used it.
We recommend using the first and last name format (for example, first name or last name) to make a URL more readable and easier to remember.
Recruiters and potential employers can easily find you with this information! By creating a profile with a catchy URL, you can boost your trustworthiness.
What is the Best Way to Share the Short Link to Your LinkedIn Profile?
You now understand everything about LinkedIn URLs! You can easily alter and distribute them to expand your professional network. But be careful: the number of daily invitations you can send is limited.
Personalize your LinkedIn URL to improve your image, personal branding, and visibility: consider it if you want to be noticed on the site!
Rewriting your URL is straightforward and does not require you to update your social profile, but it can help your professional network visibility.
When you ask other users to join your LinkedIn network, a catchy URL will ensure that your profile is more appealing.
But did you realise that? On LinkedIn, you may also utilise a shortened URL! Using a URL shortening provider, create a short link.
Quick Links:
- Major LinkedIn Mistakes You Are Doing
- How Do You Reach Out to Someone On LinkedIn? (Who You’re Not Connected To?)
- Why is LinkedIn Advertising So Expensive? Tips To Lower the Costs!
- How to Keep Your Name Private on LinkedIn?
Conclusion: How Do I Find Out What My LinkedIn URL In 2024?
Having an up-to-date professional profile on LinkedIn is essential for anyone who wants to make connections and start networking in today’s digital world.
Knowing how to find or change your unique LinkedIn URL is key to easily sharing it with others when needed without confusion about what it is or where they can find it online.
Following these simple instructions will help ensure that everyone can access your professional profile without any hassle or difficulty!