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Top 25+ Best Hobbies for Men Over 50 2024: The Aspiring Gentleman

This article is all about the Hobbies for Men over 50, which you will surely appreciate.

If you’re fifty or older, you may fall into the trap of thinking that you’ve reached your peak and there’s nothing left to try – but don’t!

A fifty-year-old in today’s world is still considered relatively healthy and fit, so we think.

We want to make the process easier by giving you fifty hobbies that can expand your horizons and improve your overall life.

It is up to you to invest your time and effort into developing a new hobby.

Top 25+ List of Hobbies For Men Over 50

Below, we have mentioned the best hobbies for men over 50, and we are sure that you will surely appreciate them.

1. Hikaru Dorodango 

Using slow refinement and smoothing, Hikaru Dorodango transforms dirt into a perfect sphere. The name, which means mud cake, originates from Japan.

Despite its beautiful and satisfying nature, the name of this hobby doesn’t fully convey its appeal.

Dorodango can be made out of dirt from your hometown or from a place that holds sentimental value (different types of dirt create different types of textures and colours). Does dirt also come at a discount? Yeah.

Hikaru Dorodango

If you’re interested in transforming dirt into a sphere of art, then we recommend that you read “Dorodango” by Bruce Gardner, the creator of these mystical objects.

Also available on YouTube are some interviews with him that will give you more insight into the process and the result, which will truly take your breath away.

2. Weightlifting

You can do weightlifting at any age, even if you’re over 50.

It’s because there is compelling evidence that resistance training can help you stay younger for longer if you include it in your daily routine. Who wouldn’t want to feel younger and longer?

Weightlifting - Hobbies for Men Over 50

Previously, we shared some tips about getting started in weightlifting, but in reality, if you have a set of home dumbbells, you can do most of the movements that will tone you up.

Our advice is always to seek out professional advice, especially if you are concerned about your ability to perform well.

3. Woodworking

As we discussed before, getting started with woodworking isn’t cheap.

It is still one of the most fulfilling and pleasurable hobbies, and once you get good at it, you can create whatever you want.


You can also sell exquisite tables for thousands of dollars, as well as furniture, ornaments, and home enhancements.

Even though it may seem daunting at first, you don’t have to have an entire workshop filled with machinery when you can start by carving wood.

Our next point is that there are many areas of woodworking you can explore, from pyrography to carving to woodturning. You do not have to know it all.

4. Gaming 

Video games may not seem appealing to you if you’re over fifty, but they’re a great tool for making friends, and people of all ages, including seniors, play them.

Connect with others if you wish to broaden your horizons.

As you approach the later part of your life, you will likely not be able to see your loved ones in person as people often have commitments and drift away.

Gaming - Hobbies for Men Over 50

You can solve that problem by playing games as they enable you to connect instantly with millions of people, which allows you to chat and get to know each other while also having fun.

The site even has a gaming section where you can find advice about gaming products, gaming topics, and why gaming is a fun hobby.

5. Drone Flying 

Drones are relatively new; however, their popularity is increasing every year as they become cheaper and easier to use, even for novices.

Almost all drones include cameras, so you can create stunning landscape shots, as well as see things that aren’t visible from our vantage point.

Drone Flying - Hobbies for Men Over 50

There are some rules about flying drones, but most drones come with built-in rules that allow them to fly no higher than predetermined altitudes anyway, so there’s little you can do to go wrong.

6. Reading

No matter how old you are, you shouldn’t delay reading. We dare say that reading is the best way to broaden your horizons.

There is something for everyone, be it cooking, Greek history, or even rocket science if you’re so inclined.


You can also enjoy great fiction books full of action-packed stories about heroism and betrayal.

See how reading got started, as well as why we think it’s a great hobby.

7. Geocaching

In essence, geocaching can be described as a modern-day treasure hunt.

Depending on your preferences, you may form a party or go it alone on your hunt.

For the most part, people use GPS devices to help them locate the cache, but a smartphone with GPS may also work.


Our recommendation is to either visit the official Geocaching website or download the Geocaching app if you’re not sure where to start.

8. Camping

Camping is another of the best hobbies you can do, especially if you’re ageing and looking for a way to relax or explore the outdoors.

By going out into the wilderness, you will be able to see things you haven’t seen before and possibly even connect with others or your family.

To keep warm and sheltered, you need nothing more than a decent tent.

Camping - Hobbies for Men Over 50

Portable gas stoves or survival tools are also available to make your stay more enjoyable, depending on how long you plan to stay.

9. Photography

With photography, you can express yourself based on your creativity in unique ways.

By the time they are fifty, most people have used cameras for some time. They may already have some equipment to use.

Photography - Hobbies for Men Over 50

You can always get out there and take some unique photos that can be enjoyed by millions around the globe.

Even stock photos can be sold online these days, so you can make a little money while doing something you enjoy.

10. Surfing

Surfing is a hobby unlike any other since it pits you against the raw power of the sea, where you can ride the waves for a thrilling experience.

Surfing isn’t just an enjoyable activity but can also be a great way to remain fit since you’ll be working out many different muscles during it.

Surfing - Hobbies for Men Over 50

To start surfing, you only need a surfboard, surf wax, and a leash so your board won’t fly off if you fall off.

It is strongly recommended that you exercise caution in the sea and take lessons before you start surfing.

11. Cooking

You can get better at cooking as you get older since you’ll have been exposed to more cultures and eaten more foods in your time.

You can put all this input to good use and create some amazing dishes that are both healthy and pleasing to the eye.


Eating and cooking are great activities for bringing people together around a table to share meals and learn about each other’s lives.

A simple recipe book and a few ingredients are all that is needed to start.

12. Blogging

Another great hobby for older adults (that is, those over the age of fifty) is blogging (which is quite likely if you are over fifty).

One can create a blog for personal reasons or to share information with others to help them do something or make informed purchasing decisions.


It’s pretty easy to set up a blog these days with services such as WordPress or Wix, and it’s a great way to share your thoughts with the world.

Lastly, blogs can be an excellent source of passive income, and with enough effort, you might even be able to quit your job.

13. Swimming

A popular exercise hobby for over-fifty of people is swimming because it’s easy on the joints and keeps them in shape.

You can also get into a meditative state while swimming if you’ve had a stressful day because you can block out everything around you.


Even if you’re over fifty, swimming is probably the most recommended form of exercise unless you have a medical condition that prevents you from doing it.

Taking lessons at your local pool is an excellent place to start your new hobby, but make sure to wear swim goggles to prevent burning from the chlorine.

14. Homebrewing

A hobby such as home brewing allows you to be creative while making delicious brews.

There is no need to wait for good weather to brew; you can brew whenever it is convenient for you, rain or shine.


Also, since you’ve put your effort into making something for your friends or family, homebrews aren’t just for personal use; they can make the perfect gift.

Get a homebrewing kit first if you are unsure about where to start.

This homebrewing book can teach you the necessary skills to make slightly more unique ales or beers.

Then, you can get more sophisticated equipment to create even more original ales or beers.

15. Birding

Avid bird watchers enjoy the beauty of nature around them while doing this fascinating hobby.

You can watch birds from afar using binoculars or a telescope to gain insight into their world.

By doing this, you can observe the natural behaviour of birds without disrupting them, and you can even do it in your backyard if you like.


It is a great hobby for individuals, but for couples, it can be a great pastime to enjoy together on a hot summer’s day with a cup of tea or a cool beverage.

16. Diorama Creation

Since you’ll want to make your dioramas as realistic and engaging as possible, you will need a creative mind and good attention to detail.

Dioramic artwork, also known as dioramas, is a form of artistic representation where miniature depictions of landscapes or cityscapes are made for ornamental purposes or to evoke a certain mood.

Diorama Creation

Many dioramas depict famous battles or military equipment from the Second World War.

Landscapes are crafted, painted, and even assembled as part of the process, so you can practice for weeks on end.

17. Traveling

Travelling is one of the most life-expanding hobbies you can take part in, especially since you’ll see a wide range of cultures and experience a variety of lifestyles, cuisines, and traditions.

Life is teeming with activity around the globe, but we choose to stay in our local areas rather than venture outward.

Traveling - Hobbies for Men Over 50

Our opinion is that you should open up your horizons and get to know the world a little more when you’re fifty (or older).

18. Sketching

When you were young, you probably sketched a lot, but since then, you haven’t paid much attention to it.

It’s a fun hobby that can help you relax and let your mind wander.

Sketching - Hobbies for Men Over 50

No matter what you sketch, it doesn’t matter if it’s little doodles or something else.

You only need a drawing set to start, as it’s relatively cheap as a hobby.

19. Miniature Painting

Bringing your miniature models to life with a variety of colours and details is what makes miniature painting a fulfilling hobby to pursue in a cosy room.

Miniature Painting

It should prove that the best hobbies aren’t necessarily the most complex; for instance, painting miniatures isn’t difficult, but it does require some patience and creativity to make them stand out.

Among the top fantasy miniature manufacturers is Warhammer. However, you can find miniatures dedicated to everything from WW1, WW2, and even D&D.

20. Gardening

It’s easy-going, slow-burning rather than quick-witted, which makes gardening the quintessential old man’s hobby.

Gardening - Hobbies for Men Over 50

It doesn’t matter what you plant, and as long as you care for it over the months and years, you will eventually be rewarded for it (sometimes literally).

Nevertheless, not everyone has a garden space, so you may need to get creative and create an indoor garden, though you could also consider renting a plot of land in your neighbourhood.

21. Minimalism

In a life filled with clutter and material possessions, less is sometimes more.

By becoming a minimalist, you can become more efficient in everything you do, which can enrich your life rather than deplete it.

It’s satisfying to clean up your house and simplify it to the bare minimum.

This same approach can be used for your shopping, travel, and even your general lifestyle.

It’s not exactly a hobby, so much as it’s a way of life, but it can bring joy to the person who practices it (much like a hobby).

22. Rock Tumbling

A unique hobby, rock tumbling involves turning dull rocks into something appealing by transforming them into gleaming objects.

The process of tumbling can reveal many of the properties of stones or rocks; be sure to purchase the best professional rock tumbler for your money.

It is not difficult to do, except to put the rocks in the tumbler, but it can be satisfying once the process is completed as you will be able to use the perfectly smooth stones as ornaments or as gifts.

23. Jam Making 

There’s nothing complicated to it, but it can be a hobby that you enjoy for yourself as a hobby (for taste) or as a way to earn a little extra money by turning it into a small business.

Jams and compotes can be made from almost any fruit, and can also be mixed with other fruits, so the possibilities are virtually endless.

Jam Making

In addition to jam, you can also give or enjoy jam with your family during the holidays.

Even though making jam is an ancient hobby, it’s still relevant today because it’s easy to learn and delicious.

A book on canning or jam-making can get you started right away.

24. Redecorating

While you won’t be doing much decorating, it can be refreshing after living with the same decor for a few years or more.


It is pretty easy to bring most things back to life with a little bit of clean-up and a fresh coat of paint, and it can be a lot of fun if done by yourself or with others in the household.

Depending on the work you need to do, you may need a specialist, but with a little effort and patience, you can transform your home into something special.

25. Hydroponics 

As with gardening, hydroponics uses water instead of soil to grow whatever you want. It is even possible to purchase dedicated hydroponic stations for growing herbs or plants.


The cost of some of these units can be high at first, but they’re very rewarding in the long run.

When you grow your herbs through hydroponics, you can eat fresh, organic produce you have grown yourself.

26. Astronomy

Since telescope technology and our understanding of stars improved, men have gazed at the stars for thousands of years.

In other words, hobbies can be loads of fun and also help you to learn more about the universe around you.


Even with a cheap telescope, you can observe some of our neighbouring planets in great detail, including their moons.

However, we believe you will produce better results if you go to an area with very little surrounding light.

27. Beekeeping

Beekeeping allows you to learn about bees’ unique behaviour and how they operate through caring for a hive of bees.


People who start beekeeping eventually make honey. However, this pastime does not necessarily have to serve a purpose since most people enjoy bees for the sheer beauty they provide.

A growing awareness of how important bees are to our environment has made beekeeping more popular over the past few years.

28. Board Games

There are thousands of different board games to choose from, which makes them a classic pastime that grows increasingly popular every year.

Board Games

There is more to gaming than just the usual options like Chess, Monopoly, Checkers, etc.

Full story-based board games can be a lot more immersive and in-depth than your typical board game due to their complete narrative.


🚀 What is the number one hobby in America?

Reading, watching TV and movies, and exercising are the most popular hobbies. Learning a language, learning an instrument, and writing are the three least popular hobbies. The majority of Americans pass their time reading.

👀 What if I am not passionate about anything?

You don't have to believe you are passionate about something if you are not achieving certain goals. If a passion is truly yours, then you would do X, Y, or Z if it is your passion. Have fun while doing what you love.

⭐️ What are the five hobbies you should have?

Basically, you should find five hobbies that you enjoy: one for money, one for fitness, one for creativity, one for building knowledge, and one for evolving your thinking.

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Conclusion: Hobbies For Men Over 50 2024

Hope, hobbies for men over 50 by the end of the article, you have decided on the hobby which you would pursue after 50.

Do let us know which of these hobbies excited you and whether you would like to pursue them.

How long does it take to pick up a hobby?

You need about six weeks to get into creative hobbies like knitting or painting, while you need seven weeks to settle into an active hobby such as cycling or swimming.

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Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja, a WordPress Plugin, and he is also the founder of multi-award-winning blog,, along with, and Megablogging. He is a successful online marketer & award-winning digital marketing consultant. He has been featured on HuffingtonPost, BusinessWorld, YourStory, Payoneer, Lifehacker & other leading publications as a successful blogger & digital marketer.

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