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27 Tips To Strengthen Your Online Influence In 2024

How do you influence others over the Internet?

Whether you want to change their mind or make the sale, the better you are at influencing, the more you’ll get whatever it is that you want.

With that in mind, here are 27 tips (in no particular order) to help you gain more influence online.

27 Tips To Strengthen Your Online Influence In 2024

Online Influence

1. Pick One Niche and Become the Master of That Niche

The thinner you spread yourself, the less influence you have.

That’s why you want to thoroughly cover one niche rather than haphazardly trying to cover several of them.

2. Get Out of Your Own Online World and Into New Communities

When we get stuck in a rut of our own making, we view the world from that one perspective that we’ve chosen.

But if you’re going to influence others, you need to hang out with them, experience their world, and see what makes them tick.

3. Build Long-term Relationships

The longer and better you know someone, the more influence you have in that relationship.

Work on making your customers and clients love you and your products for years until there’s no hesitation on their part when you recommend something.

4. Be Authentic and Consistent

If you are being your true, authentic self, it will show. And in being authentic, you never have to worry about being consistent.

5. Know Who Your Target Prospects Are

Then find other people who already have your prospects on their lists.

Now, co-create products with those people to put yourself in front of your prospects. Instant influence!

6. Speak for Those Who are Afraid to Speak

Sometimes, it takes guts to say what needs to be said.

Become the person in the theatre who asks the noisy patron to be silent, and the rest of the theatre will love you.

It works the same way online – be the one to speak up for others, and you will have influence over those you speak for.

7. Give, Lots, Often

Too often, we are focused on our goals, our business, and on ourselves.

Try giving as much as you can and as often as you can without thought of what you might get in return.

8. Be Passionate

No one follows a mediocre, middle-of-the-road person.

People follow others who are passionate about their beliefs.

An ounce of passion will out-sway and out-influence a pound of reasoning and logic nearly every time.

9. Share the Internal Stuff

Have a nightmare moving your website? Confounded by the speaker in the conference you’re sitting in?

Thrilled that you just got a great big order?

We’re taught to always keep it professional, but it’s through sharing both the good and bad that people feel they know you and your business.

10. Create Video Content for Your Niche

In your videos, be bold, passionate, and exciting.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; correct them and keep going. Be human and have fun.

11. Share Good Content

Sharing good content is crucial for building a strong online presence and engaging your audience.

High-quality content not only attracts and retains readers but also establishes your credibility and authority in your niche.

12. Tell Stories

Who doesn’t love stories? And who can’t be influenced by the right story?

Learn to become a master at storytelling, and you can persuade even the most ardent enemy to join your side.

13. Focus on a Smaller Niche

It’s hard to exert influence when you are one of 10,000 bloggers writing about weight loss – it’s easy to be influential when you are writing about weight loss for new moms.

14. Choose 5 to 10 People You Admire In Your Niche

Gradually get to know them. Share their stuff with your readers, ‘like’ their posts, ask them questions and pull them into your circle of influence.

And don’t forget to thank them for what they have done for you, how they have influenced you, and for the insights they’ve given you along the way.

15. Share Yourself

Share your ideas, your thoughts, your ambitions – share what you’re doing today or what you did today.

Not the “I ate oatmeal” stuff, but rather the “I thought about my grandad today and wondered what he would do if faced with this decision.”

People listen when you share what’s close to your heart.

16. Align Yourself with the Best People in Your Niche

Not necessarily those who are making the most money but rather those who are doing the best work and helping the most people.

Those are the people you want as partners.

17. Don’t Worry About How You’re Going to Get Attention

Instead, make or do something worthwhile, something worth talking about.

18. Be Different

Defy convention and do what others aren’t doing and say what others aren’t saying. People notice those who dare to be different.

19. Do Interviews

Even if you have to get a friend to interview you, do it. Get it online and make sure it’s seen by your people.

20. Become An Advocate

Identify people on their way up in your niche and help them to succeed.

By becoming their advocate, they, in turn, become yours.

21. Get People Talking

People want to express themselves, and they want to be heard. But start simple. Work up to the bigger stuff.

There may be no greater source of influence than simply listening – REALLY listening – to your people.

22. Choose Who To Influence

By micro-targeting, find just the right people for your blog – product – niche – service.

Do you only want women in their 30s who work in Albuquerque, New Mexico? Use Facebook advertising to find your people.

23. Make Connections Online

and then every chance you get, meet them in the real world. This might be at a conference, or it might be locally. Nothing beats meeting face-to-face.

24. Put Your Business Ahead Of Your Own Fame

Sure, you can become the top dog on a forum, but is it enhancing your business? If not, why are you doing it – for the fame?

Keep your eye on your business goals. If what you’re doing doesn’t further those goals, you probably shouldn’t be doing it.

25. Stop Talking About Your Products & Services, Start Talking About Your Customer

No matter what you write or say, always keep in mind, “Is this what the customer wants to know? Am I communicating with them, or just tooting my horn?”

“They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” is as true today as it was before the Internet.

26. Be the Go-to Person of Your Niche for Content

Filter and curate your niche’s content so that your website is a one-stop shop for the latest news.

27. Have a Point of View

Sure, not everyone will share it – but that’s a good thing. Those who do share it will follow you anywhere.

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Conclusion: Tips To Strengthen Your Online Influence In 2024

Implementing these 27 tips can significantly strengthen your online influence.

By creating valuable content, engaging with your audience, and leveraging social media effectively, you can build a strong online presence and become a trusted authority in your niche.

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Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja, a WordPress Plugin, and he is also the founder of multi-award-winning blog,, along with, and Megablogging. He is a successful online marketer & award-winning digital marketing consultant. He has been featured on HuffingtonPost, BusinessWorld, YourStory, Payoneer, Lifehacker & other leading publications as a successful blogger & digital marketer.

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