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8 Content Marketing Strategies That Will Grow Your Overall Traffic & Sales In 2024

You wish that every newly published post brings in more visitors to your blog. Don’t you?

But no matter how hard you try, you are not getting the kind of traffic you deserve. Is that sound familiar to you?

Growing your website traffic and creating content are two different tasks. But they both go hand in hand.

If your content is not good, no matter how much traffic you get, it really doesn’t matter.

No matter how great your content is, if it doesn’t reach more people, it doesn’t matter!

You need this: Great content (that people actually read) + Targeted traffic = More sales!

Unfortunately, most bloggers don’t know how to create the right content to boost their traffic and sales. If you are one among them, this guide is exclusively for you. Are you ready?

Content Marketing Funnel

Let’s jump into the details.

8 Content Marketing Strategies: Grow Your Overall Traffic & Sales In 2024

best content marketing tools

1. Use The Divide-and-Conquer Technique

Instead of writing about everything under the sun, start creating content for smaller audiences.

Focus on a small niche where you can acquire more loyal readers and more search traffic.

One of the biggest mistakes most bloggers and marketers make while creating content is covering too many topics at a time.

Listen, that’s a huge mistake when building a blog audience.

For instance, let’s say you have a fitness-related blog.

You can get more traction if you focus on writing just about “belly fat reduction tips for women” instead of talking about everything related to fitness, from running to diet to losing weight.

Are you getting me?

Focusing on ONE topic can help you grab more people’s attention and encourage them to read and share your content.

Once you start getting enough traffic and sales, you can then include one more topic.

You can go on doing the same until you become an authority in your industry.

That’s how a proper content marketing strategy is done. That’s how Copyblogger went from a small blog to a multi-million dollar online business.

2. Reverse Engineer Your Content Creation

How can you get more people to read your blog posts?

Read that again.

Most people struggle to attract a larger audience because they create content that “they” think will be good.

They never consider what their audience truly wants.

In other words, if you want more people to read your content, find out what is already popular and create content around it.

This is also called the “Skyscraper technique”, which was coined by Brian Dean from Backlinko.

Here’s how to use it to increase your blog’s overall exposure.

3. Find Content That is Already Doing Well In Your Niche

To create content that goes viral in your industry, you need first to figure out what is already doing well.

How can you find popular content in your niche?

There are two ways.

  • Find all the related forums in your niche (and check out the hot topics that are doing well)
  • Social media (if a post is getting more buzz on Twitter, Facebook, etc, that tells it’s becoming viral)

Apart from the above, you can use the Buzzsumo tool. Just enter any of the keywords you want to cover in your next blog post, and it will give you all the top results for that keyword.

You can easily analyze what type of content is doing well.

Making your blog even better, which you will find in the second step, can increase its traction and exposure.

4. Make It Even Better

Now that you find the “top-notch material” in your niche, it’s time to beat that content.

For instance, if “5 ways to read more books” is doing well in your niche, you can write something like “50 ways to read more books in free time” to make it go viral.

Are you getting me?

You need to make your content exceptionally well.

5. Promote It To the Right People

To truly get the most out of this Skyscraper technique, after creating content, you need to reach out to the RIGHT people who are interested in reading and sharing your stuff.

How can you find people who are actually interested in promoting your stuff?

Here’s a simple way. Use Topsy. Enter the URL of the popular content that already went viral in your niche, and you will find all the tweets.

You will also find a section called “Influential Only”, where you will find all the links tweeted by the most influential people on Twitter.

Your task is to reach out to all of them and tell them you have better content around the topic that they tweeted a while ago.

The chances are higher that they will tweet your stuff if they find your content interesting and valuable to their audience.

That’s it! That’s how you will reach out to a wider audience with every piece of content you publish on your blog. 

6. Strategic Linking to others

One very impactful way to grow your overall traffic from search engines is to get more backlinks.

Backlinks are considered as votes in search results. The more you have, the more traffic you will get. It’s as simple as that.

But getting links from other blogs is really hard. I highly recommend that you start by practising reciprocity.

Before seeking links from other bloggers, link out to them. And do it frequently. Email the people whom you link from your blog posts or guest posts.

Sooner or later, they will start linking (or at least tweeting) your stuff to their audience. Which is a win/win approach you should follow to grow your blogging community.

Here are a few effective tips for smart linking.

  • Always give a shout-out to others whom you link to. This is essential, and you can’t ignore it to get future links from them.
  • Make sure to follow the 70:30 ratio while linking. That means 70% of the links should be external (linking out to others), and the remaining 30% should be to your own internal links.
  •  Always be relevant when linking. There’s no point in linking to a fitness-related blog post if you are writing about a real estate deals post.

7. Understand Your Target Audience Needs and Wants

You can’t ignore who you are targeting. Make sure to spend quality time defining your target audience.

Find out their frustrations, pains, needs, and wants.

Figure out how you can scratch their back with your posts. Spend time crafting problem-solving posts that naturally go viral.

I know this is hard, especially in the beginning. But once you start getting enough traction, you will notice your traffic skyrocketing.

If you are not sure about whom you are targeting, here are a few tips to define your target audience.

  • Make a list of all the potential competitors in your niche. Find out whom they are targeting. Note every detail, such as their age, gender, geometric location, salary, etc. The deeper you go into the details, the better it is for you to define your target audience.
  • Create a customer profile and include external triggers such as their lifestyle, hobbies, interests, etc. The more you know about these external social triggers, the better it is for you to create the “right product” for them so you can make more profits in the long run.
  •  Find out where your target audience is spending most of their time online. Any specific blog or forum? Connect with them by sharing your best stuff. Instead of spamming those blogging forums with your links, add more value. Once people start noticing you as a genuinely helpful guy, they will come to you and buy your stuff if they find it relevant.

Pro tip: If you are having problems defining your target audience, consider yourself your targeted customer. Make a list of all your problems (is it getting more traffic, sales, or subscribers?), and then start finding the most suitable answers and creating content around them.

8. Set Up a Website Conversion Funnel

Did you know that over 80% of business decision-makers prefer to get company information in a series of articles versus an advertisement?

Content marketing is the most effective way to capture more website traffic and increase your sales.

One of the pain points for most people is that although they get huge traffic, they struggle to turn their visitors into sales.

Here’s where they need to focus on creating the right website conversion funnel. If your blog or website is missing a sales funnel, it’s time to fix that.

So, what’s a website sales funnel in general?

It’s turning your website visitors into subscribers and buyers. Here’s where an email list comes into play.

Did you know that 80% of the income generated by top marketers such as Pat Flynn, Neil Patel, and Derek Halpern comes solely from their email lists?

An email list is gold. Treat it like your family, and you will never struggle to make money from it.

People fail to make money from their email lists because they treat them like a sales machine.

Here are a few incredible ideas for creating a profitable website sales funnel that turns random visitors into sales.

  • Create a pipeline to convert your visitors into leads. The pipeline usually involves a freebie such as an eBook, video, or theme that’s offered in exchange for your audience’s email address. This is the #1 factor for turning random visitors into subscribers.
  • Once you start getting subscribers, you need to make sure to build a rapport with them. Create awareness about the products you create or promote. Don’t sell them or pitch the products immediately after they subscribe to you. They will definitely get irritated and unsubscribe from your list.
  • Take time to educate. The more value you create with your list, the more profit it can generate. Treat it as a long-term investment instead of getting rich quick scheme. You will reap the best rewards later. That’s how Pat Flynn makes over $100,000 every single month. He adds HUGE value to his email list.

Quick Links:

Final Thoughts About Increasing Your Traffic & Sales With Your Content

Using content marketing to increase your blog traffic and sales is not rocket science.

You need to learn the art of persuasion and selling to turn random visitors into loyal customers.

You must create a content strategy that builds a thriving network around your blog and helps you make more money in the long run.

Content marketing is an ongoing process. You can’t create two great pieces of content; sit back and relax.

People won’t find you if you build; you need to go where they are. You need to promote more than you create to boost your blog’s exposure.

So what are you waiting for? Are you using your content to increase traffic and sales? Do you have any more tips for creating content that sells?

Please share your thoughts in the comments and share the post with others so they can benefit.

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Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja, a WordPress Plugin, and he is also the founder of multi-award-winning blog,, along with, and Megablogging. He is a successful online marketer & award-winning digital marketing consultant. He has been featured on HuffingtonPost, BusinessWorld, YourStory, Payoneer, Lifehacker & other leading publications as a successful blogger & digital marketer.

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