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How Often Should You Update Your Blog In 2024?

Are you confused about how often to update your blog? Or are you struggling to keep it updated regularly?

Creating new blog updates and blog post scheduling seem to worry new bloggers more than anything else.

I’ve experimented with it a lot, and you’ll probably need to, too, because we’re all different, with varying time constraints and writing abilities.

But if you’re a small business owner or writer like me, at least once a week is my short answer. If you don’t do anything, it will be hard for you and your readers to maintain interest.

If you want to tap into the power of blogging to grow your business or establish yourself as a writer, set a goal and stick to it.

First, decide on a posting schedule of once a week (or twice, three times, daily, or however often you can realistically manage it) and then make time for it.

How Often Should You Update Your Blog In 2024?

1. Sticking to a Blog Posting Schedule

Many bloggers tell me they can’t stick to their posting schedule.

social media editorial calendar

If that’s your problem then reduce the number of posts you write but remember, if you update your blog less than weekly, it will be hard to build up a good body of work and maintain momentum.

So at the very least pick one day when you’re going to post and stick with it.

Set yourself a challenge and reward yourself for following through.

Let’s say you can’t manage to update your blog once a week. Can you commit to posting once a fortnight? Decide what will work for you and stick to it.

2. Blogging Motivation

If you update your blog once a week and write 1,000 words per post after a year, you’ll have written a small book. That’s impressive.

It really makes you an expert in your niche, and the very act of that writing will help you learn a lot about yourself, your goals, and your business.

Three more benefits of updating your blog regularly:

  • You’ll get more visitors with more posts to attract new readers, and loyal readers will come back more often the more your blog is updated.
  • You’ll grow the volume of content on your blog faster, which the search engines will notice. Over time, that should help improve your search engine ranking.
  • You’ll increase your chances of people sharing your content with others or linking to it from their blogs, which will grow your readership faster.

3. Blogging Commitment

Making yourself commit to a regular posting schedule and stating your intentions helps.

On my blog, I update my readers on how often and when I’ll post.

It’s like a contract between us: I promise them I’ll have something good for them to read on a set day every week, no matter what, and they know when to check in for new updates.

When I started my first blog, I committed to writing new posts three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

With a brand new blog, it’s important to build up a body of work fast so your blog looks established, and there’s plenty of content to keep readers engaged.

So, to begin, I worked hard until I’d built up a good body of work and could reduce my time investment.

Then I told my blog readers I’d be updating my blog twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays, and that’s what I did for the rest of the year.

4. Choose a Realistic Blog Posting Schedule

Over Christmas and January, I decided to reduce my posting schedule again and update weekly so I could have a break with my kids.

Here in Australia, school kids are on vacation for six weeks over that time, but if you’re in North America or Europe, you might want to cut yourself some slack and post less often over the summer.

blog posting sechdule

Even the Copyblogger team reduced their posting schedule last summer, so we solo operators don’t need to feel bad if we do, too.

Everyone needs a break, and after a decent holiday, I was looking forward to getting back to blogging and even ready to start a second blog, which you’re reading now.

Over the vacation, I scheduled one post a week every Tuesday for six weeks and logged off my computer. It was a well-earned rest, but it didn’t break my commitment to blogging or my readers.

Now, I have two blogs, and I update them each week on different days, which leaves me time to manage other work for clients or write guest posts.

Three Thoughts on Blog Updating For Real People

How to Write a Blog Post Introduction

1. Updating your blog once a week or more often (or even less) is fine, but just do what’s manageable for you.

2. State your intention of how often you’re going to update your blog to yourself and the world and stick to it. Just like brushing your teeth, going to the gym, or calling your mum every Sunday, it will become a habit. If you use WordPress, the blog editorial calendar plug-in will help you.

3. Don’t feel ashamed if you can’t write a great new post now and then. It happens, but don’t miss your schedule – post something else, like a round-up of great blog posts on a related topic on your blog or other blogs.

Just make sure all your blog posts are useful and relevant to your readers so they look forward to coming back again next week to see what you have in store for them next time.

Quick Links:

Final Thoughts: Tips To Update Your Blog In 2024

So don’t be confused about how often to post on your blog.

Give yourself time to work out a posting schedule that works for you, be creative, and have fun with it because that’s what blogging’s all about.

How often do you post on your blog, and do you have a set day for publishing new posts? Leave a comment below because we’d love to hear from you.

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Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja, a WordPress Plugin, and he is also the founder of multi-award-winning blog,, along with, and Megablogging. He is a successful online marketer & award-winning digital marketing consultant. He has been featured on HuffingtonPost, BusinessWorld, YourStory, Payoneer, Lifehacker & other leading publications as a successful blogger & digital marketer.

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