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16 Best Things to Sell on eBay 2024: Find Here More To Sell On eBay!

When you look at specific items in your home, you can ask yourself, “Can I sell that? ” It’s highly unlikely.”

But what if all of the things that are “probably not” might, in fact, have a place to live?

What if I told you that even the most unusual things, such as empty boxes or damaged devices, may actually make you a tiny bit of money?

16 Best Things to Sell on eBay 2024

eBay Homepage

You have now entered the wondrous world of eBay.

To demonstrate that there is a market for even the most outlandish ideas, I have compiled a list of some of the strangest things that people have ever conceived of selling.

1. Empty Boxes

empty boxes

Okay, okay, we get that you are now in a state of disbelief.

However, have a look at this recently added offering on eBay that sells cardboard boxes in quantities of 50 for the price of $38.99.

That could be reason enough to make a trip to the grocery store in the neighbourhood and pick up some extras.

In spite of this, the items that are most successful in terms of sales are high-end designer boxes or boxes that formerly contained some high-resolution dolls.

This empty American Girl box is currently available for sale for $25.49.

If you have any more luxury items lying around the house, you should probably round up the boxes they are stored in and start selling everything you own.

The price of this Coach box, which is about the size of a wallet, is $14.50, while the price of this Apple iPhone 10 XS box might reach as high as $11.99.

Although we are not talking about hundreds of dollars here, once the box no longer costs you anything, any money you earn will be considered a bonus.

Additionally, if you want to increase your income, you might think about recycling some of those unused boxes.

2. Cords

There is a good chance that you have at least a few of these strewn about the house somewhere.

Perhaps you have accumulated such a large number that you are now in a position to dispose of some of them.

Visit the eBay website. It’s possible that you won’t turn a profit, but it’s almost certain that you’ll cover your costs.

This used lightning cable is available for purchase for a price of $24.90.

Also, don’t limit yourself to the obvious things, such as phone chargers.

Consider the power cords for your video gaming systems, the wires that charge your laptop and other electronic devices, the USB cords, and even the cords that connect to your digital camera.

Anything that is wired and can be plugged into a wall outlet or electrical gadget has the potential to earn you some more cash.

If you have any extras, you might want to consider putting one in the winter emergency car pack that you keep in your vehicle.

3. Instruction Manuals

Have you ever been led on a wild goose chase when you were attempting to discover the instruction booklet for your damaged washing machine?

Perhaps you long for the older instruction manuals that came with your earlier video gaming consoles.

Again, these are not things that will make you a lot of money, but considering that you are making a profit off of something that was almost free, why not sell it?

The instruction booklet for this LG washing machine may be purchased for $10.

If you still have your car’s handbook, selling it could net you some extra cash if you’re willing to put in the effort.

4. Installation CDs/Drivers

CDs or Drivers
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If you like old tech, this is the right category for you. Remember those CDs you used to put on your computer?

You can make a lot of money if you have these lying around.

This setup installation CD for Neat Desk costs $8.99, while a set of three drivers for Creative Sound Blaster Live costs $26.99.

Here are a few more quick ways to make money.

5. K-Cups

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If you have a Keurig coffee maker, you probably have a few extra K-cups lying around.

These pods can be very profitable and make great coffee.

This pod sampler with 40 or 60 pods is for sale on eBay for $24.99. If you want to sell these, you should do so in large amounts.

That shouldn’t be too hard since many people buy a lot of boxes at places like Costco only to find they have too many.

6. My Coke Codes Rewards

It’s surprising that one of the items on this list is that you can sell bottle caps. There is one problem.

It is known that the more money you have, the better; you’ll need 50 or 100 before you can start making real money.

But on eBay, this bag of 100 Red My Coke Rewards costs $9.99. Drink soda now!

7. Box Tops for Education

Want to help local schools and make some money in the long run?

Then, save Box Tops for Education. If you save 1,000 Box Tops, you can get almost $200.

Box Tops are now collected through digital receipts, but you’re sure to get good results if you can find an old cereal box with a box top.

8. Gift Cards

Gift Cards
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You got a gift card to a place you don’t like, and now you have to decide what to do with it.

You could give it to someone else or sell it on eBay, for example.

Don’t worry if you’ve already used some of the card’s money.

Your half-used cards can still be bought by someone else.

You probably won’t get the full value of the card, but you can probably get close, like this $40 listing for a $50 Disney gift card.

You could also offer free shipping and email the code and PIN to the buyer.

However, some buyers will want to hold the card in their hands. Remember that you need to know exactly how much money is on the card.

If you don’t have any, we’ll send you next week some tips on how to get free gift cards.

9. Remotes

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Your TV is broken, but the remote still works? We’ve been there.

You might want to sell your old remote. Make sure you list the make and model of the TV so that people know which remote they are getting.

You’ll be very lucky if you have things from the 2000s or 1990s. This is what people who collect want.

On eBay, this set of used remotes is being sold for $22.99. Here are some more tech tips that will help you stay on top of things if you work from home.

10. Broken Electronics/Appliances

Don’t fix something that isn’t broken. Even if it is broken, maybe don’t fix it.

It’s a twist on the old saying since eBay allows you to sell broken appliances and electronics.

One way to do this is to sell them for just the parts. This eBay seller can make up to $44.99 by selling used parts for electronics.

11. Craft Supplies

Do you like to make things? Do you sometimes make scrapbooks or try to sew a dress by hand?

If so, you might have fabric scraps lying around that you could sell.

If you put together a bunch of scraps, you could sell them for up to $20 with little work.

Yarn and fabric are often popular because it’s hard to match them up if you don’t know the exact lot number.

Before you throw away old lace or other sewing supplies, look at what’s for sale on eBay.

12. Discontinued Products

Does your child really want a toy that is no longer made?

Do you want to find something that reminds you of your youth?

Well, there are other people like you, and selling old toys or things that are no longer made could be a good way to get into the online marketplace.

If you want to sell your old toys, we have some suggestions.

On eBay, a sealed-boxed Furby from 1999 is going for almost $200 right now, so you can make a lot of money with this.

13. Large Pine Cones

Your backyard could be the source of your next eBay sale.

The pine cones you collect can be sold. Yes, you did hear it first here.

Twelve ponderosa pine cones can be sold for $10.

And if you have extras, you could use them to make a kid’s cheap Halloween costume.

14. Rolls Of Toilet Paper That Is Empty

empty toilet papers
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Sorry, but we had to say it: when you’re done with your toilet paper, that roll might have more than one use besides the trash.

Use eBay to sell it! (This is now a common phrase.)

You can get almost $10 for 50 empty toilet paper rolls.

We can’t believe it. And if you want more ideas for using toilet paper rolls again, we have more.

15. Perfume and Makeup Samples

Have you ever gone to Sephora and walked out with five new testers that you have never used?

Now I know what to do with those samples. In fact, some stores give them out all the time.

Sell them and bring a little joy to someone else’s day.

If you have enough samples, you can sell them as a mixed bag and get at least $20 for them.

16. Old Coffee Mugs

Your cupboard is full of coffee mugs. Can’t fit another, right? Move them.

You can sell old coffee mugs on eBay because someone may be looking for the exact one you have.

People like to replace broken or worn-out favourite things.

You don’t have to make your mug a collectable to sell it.

Old Starbucks mugs are some of the most sought-after coffee mugs.

This 2008 mug is for sale on eBay for $32.99. Check out the mug section the next time you’re in a thrift store.

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Conclusion: Best Things to Sell on eBay 2024

This article talks about eBay categories, which is a good place to start rethinking your product line.

Still, you will probably want to dig deeper and do more research.

If you know what the best sellers on eBay are, you can find sales opportunities you may not have seen before.

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I am the Founder of GizmoBase and also cofounder at, a digital marketing agency that specializes in content and data-driven SEO. With over 7 years of experience in digital marketing and affiliate marketing, I have developed a deep understanding of various domains, including ecommerce, startups, social media marketing, make money online, affiliate marketing, and human capital management. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and expertise in these areas to help businesses thrive.

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