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Ultimate List of Blogging Statistics and Facts (Updated for 2024)

Blog statistics and facts are constantly changing, so it’s hard to stay on top of them. Fortunately, I have created this definitive blogging statistics and facts list.

In order to grow your traffic or revenue on your blog, you need to stay informed about the latest trends.

Let’s get started!

Stats and Facts About Blogging

I wish you good luck with your blog’s future and hope these blogging stats have given you some insight.


Statistics on blogging in general

  1. Over 20 billion pages are viewed by 409 million people each month.
  2. The number of WordPress posts published each month is approximately 70 million.
  3. Each month, readers post 77 million new comments on blogs.
  4. English is the language of choice for 71% of WordPress sites.
  5. It takes an average of 3.5 hours to write a blog post.
  6. Strong results are far more likely to be achieved by bloggers who write articles longer than 2,000 words.
  7. 46% of bloggers edit their own work, while 54% have editors or have had someone else look over their work.
  8. Blog posts are skimmed by 43% of people.
  9. List-based headlines are preferred by 36% of readers.
  10. A blog on a website has 434% more indexed pages than a website without a blog.
  11. Blogging increases the number of links to a company’s website by 97%.
  12. For gathering online information, blogs rank as the 5th most reliable source.
  13. As opposed to a few times per week in 2014, 66% of bloggers today post a few times per month.
  14. Seventy-seven per cent of internet users read blogs.
  15. Americans spend 3X as much time on blogs as they do on email.
  16. In terms of headline preference, a “how-to” headline—a close cousin of the listicle—ranks third at around 17 per cent.

Blogging SEO Stats

  1. Bloggers update older articles only 38% of the time.
  2. Updated content produces strong results for 34% of bloggers.
  3. Approximately 5% of bloggers do not have access to analytics.
  4. There is a high and consistent amount of traffic to titles with 6-13 words.
  5. Inbound leads (such as direct mail or print advertising) have a close rate of 14.6%, while outbound leads have a close rate of 1.7%.
  6. The content creation strategy is the most effective SEO tactic for 72% of online marketers.

Blogging Traffic Stats

  1. The average email traffic to businesses that blog is twice that of businesses that don’t blog.
  2. Click-through rates increased by 9% when headlines contained a hyphen or colon.
  3. A headline that contains six to eight words can increase your click-through rate by 21%.
  4. In the past two years, more than half of bloggers reported a decline in Facebook traffic, while almost one-third reported a decline in Google traffic.
  5. The number of blogs using paid advertising and promotional techniques to drive traffic to their posts has increased by 93% in the past year.

Guest Blogging Statistics

  1. One to five guest posts are published on 60% of blogs every month.
  2. More than 100 guest posts are published on 3% of blogs each month.
  3. Bloggers who write a majority of their original content as guest posts make up only 6% of all bloggers.
  4. According to 62.96 per cent of readers, blogs with multiple authors are more credible.
  5. Editors say 79% of guest posts are too promotional.
  6. Summer months such as June, July, and August are high seasons for guest content.

Travel Blogging Statistics

  1. Five hundred ninety-nine per cent of travel bloggers have more than one blog.
  2. Online travel planning accounts for over 80% of travel bookings, and it’s on the rise.
  3. Travel blogs are used by 33% of US travellers for travel advice.
  4. Approximately 1-4 years old is the average age of travel blogs.
  5. One of the main income sources for travel blogs is publishing and sponsored posts.
  6. According to the average travel blogger, sponsored posts cost $200 on average.
  7. Ninety-four percent of travel blogs sell advertising.
  8. The majority of traffic to travel blogs comes from non-brand search, while direct traffic is a distant second.

Blogging Growth Stats

  1. Bloggers in the United States are expected to reach 31.7 million by 2020.
  2. The number of blogs in 2019 exceeded 500 million.
  3. The number of blogs on Tumblr exceeds 440 million.
  4. There are about 60 million blogs powered by WordPress.
  5. There has been a 12% increase in blogging since 2015.
  6. There are approximately 1.9 billion web pages on the Internet right now. According to the growth rate, this number will surpass 2 billion in less than a year.
  7. Over the last five years, the average blog post has grown by 42% to 1151 words.

Social Media Blogging Statistics

  1. Blogs topped the list of social media content used by marketers in 2017, with 66% using them.
  2. In 59 percent of cases, people share an article without ever reading it.
  3. The most efficient way to deliver content and engage audiences is through LinkedIn.
  4. Ninety-five per cent of bloggers promote their blogs through social media.
  5. In January 2019, there were 456.1 million blogs on Tumblr.
  6. Bloggers use social sharing buttons 69% of the time.

Blogging With Visuals and Video Stats

  1. The number of views for articles with images is 94% higher than for articles without visuals.
  2. As part of their marketing strategy, 71% of bloggers use visuals.
  3. A 35% conversion increase can be achieved when using real people’s photos instead of stock photos.
  4. Video content from marketers is increasingly desired by 43% of consumers.
  5. Video is now included in 19% of blogs’ typical posts.
  6. Blog posts with audio, such as podcasts, perform better for 45% of bloggers.
  7. The likelihood of organic search traffic coming from video content is 50 times higher than that from plain text.
  8. The most important type of content for their business is visual images, according to 32% of marketers.

Blogging Statistics for Marketers

  1. Blogs prioritized by marketers have a 13x higher chance of having a positive return on investment.
  2. B2B content marketers who are most successful meet with their content teams at least weekly.
  3. In B2B marketing, 64% of marketing copywriting is outsourced.
  4. In 2023, $25.1 billion will be spent on marketing automation tools.
  5. A documented personalization strategy is used by 60% of marketers.
  6. Marketing professionals say blogging has gained them customers in 57% of cases.
  7. Bloggers are said to be marketers’ top priority when it comes to content marketing.
  8. 67% more leads are generated by B2B marketers who blog.
  9. About 60% of marketers repurpose blog content at least twice.
  10. Content creation is a challenge for 60% of B2B marketers.

Maintaining the Relevance of Your Blog

The blogging industry is extremely saturated. Since the first bloggers began sharing their success stories, more and more people have been getting into blogging.

Blogging Statistics and Facts

As a result, competition has increased, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for a blog to survive these days. You’re more likely to fail if you don’t put in the effort.

However, you can do one thing that most blogs do today that makes them successful. To create this type of content, you would need to make sure it doesn’t expire. It can still be useful years from now when people look back on it.

In addition, bloggers often revisit old content to provide a fresh perspective on a particular subject. According to bloggers, content that is updated like this significantly boosts SEO.

Quick Links:

Summary: Blogging Statistics and Facts

What do you plan to do with this information now that you have it?

If we don’t first consider the direction of blogging and whether it’s still worth our time and energy, we cannot know the answer. We might be seeing the peak of blogging right now, and one day, there might be a massive crash.

Despite this, the statistics indicate that blogging will not go away anytime soon. In [2024], blogging is as relevant as ever. There may not be an easy way to determine the exact number of blogs out there at any given time.

Stats show about 500 million sites, though that number also includes inactive sites, which may affect the statistic’s accuracy. Additionally, not all platforms share their data publicly.

Although the number of blogs may not be accurately counted, one thing’s for certain: If the rate continues, we will celebrate 1 billion blogs in no time!

Let’s see how things turn out in the future.

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Diksha Garg
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I am a talented and passionate content writer with a knack for creating captivating and informative articles. With a strong command over language and a keen eye for detail, I deliver engaging content that resonates with readers. With a diverse writing portfolio and a passion for research, I cover a wide range of topics, including technology, lifestyle and education. My commitment to excellence and dedication to my craft make me a reliable and valuable asset in the world of content writing.

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