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How to Quickly Create Beautiful Images for Your Blog In 2024?

I have a real passion for captivating images.

Whenever I come across an appealing picture on my Facebook or Twitter timeline, I make sure to pause and appreciate it. I always click on it to read the accompanying content.

I believe many others share my fascination with beautiful images. There is something truly magical about them.

I wish more content creators would recognize this and put effort into finding relevant images for their posts.

As a fellow blogger, I understand how hectic things can get. However, compromising on quality in favour of quantity should never be an option.


There are ways to find or create striking images for your posts more efficiently.

These methods are not groundbreaking; I am simply compiling them here for your convenience because I respect your time.

How to Quickly Create Beautiful Images for Your Blog In 2024?


1. Put the Image Sources Together for Quick Access

Take a look at this post, which has a list of resources where you can find beautiful images.

The list of 10 sources and 20 sources is quite overwhelming, so I suggest you Pick the ones you think will give you the maximum number of images you want.

Then, Bookmark each of them and put them in a folder; this folder should go to the Bookmark bar of the Google Chrome Browser.

You can also reuse the relevant images that you used in your previous blog posts. They are already hosted on your blog, so just copy and paste them into your new post.

2. Create a Template for Your Images

You can use these beautiful photos, which you get from the sources mentioned above, directly in your blog posts. But I suggest you stick with a standard image size that you will be using in all your posts.

For example, it can be 800×500, 750×400, 1000×600, etc. The idea is to keep them all uniform, and they also look good on thumbnails.

The other reason is to keep the size of images low. Most of the images you find are too large, sometimes 2400×1800, weighing between 500kb and 2MB.

Resizing them will also decrease their size from 100kb to 250kb, which will make your blog posts load faster.

You can also create a Template that resembles the theme of your blog; a template will solve your problem of finding the most relevant image for your post as you can also put the title of your post on the template with a relevant Icon/Clip Art on it.

I do it on my blog all the time. It’s super easy and super convenient to open your favourite image editor and create an image from the template.

3. Put the Image Editors together for Quick Access

You will require an Image Editor to Crop, Resize, and Add Fonts to the images. Use web apps for that.

Web apps like Pickmonkey and Pixlr Editor work well for me as they also offer a bit of extra editing required.

Canva is another web app with many preset text formats you can use on an image.

Choosing the text format, colour, fonts, etc., takes maximum time and brain power. In Canva, it’s already there.

To make the process even faster, download a few interesting photos from the sources mentioned in the ‘Image sources’ section and upload them into Canva so that you already have the images to work with inside Canva.

You can find more image editors that work well for you, bookmark them and put them in a separate folder, and that folder again goes to the bookmark folder.

I ask you to Bookmark them in a separate folder so you can simply right-click on them and open them all in one click without having to dig them up one by one.

4. Create Screenshots (and Annotate them) for your blog Quicker

If your blog is about writing tutorials and how-tos, you might be working with screenshots a lot.

And I know how time-consuming it can get, especially when you have to use a set of tools to get the job done.

First, you capture the screen, then put it in an editing app, draw actions, write text, and then save it for the blog.

You can use Snagit, which makes the job very easy.

With Snagit, you can either grab the entire screen, the whole scrolling area of a web page (which is cool, by the way), or just a part of the screen.

Snagit automatically opens the screenshots in its built-in image editor, which is powerful enough to work as a stand-alone app for quickly editing any image. (I mostly use it to resize the images to a specific size.)

Snagit is a paid app you can buy for $50, but it’s totally worth the investment.

If you don’t want to spend money on an app like this, you can go for free alternatives like Greenshot, which does pretty much everything you require to do with a screenshot.

You can also use the screen capture feature of OneNote (part of the MS Office Suite), which offers some pretty cool features. However, MS Office itself is a paid product.

If you are not using that one, Evernote is Free. Its screen grab feature lets you capture an entire area of your screen or a particular part and then Annanote it using Skitch, an app offered by Evernote itself.

5. Turn Boring Screenshots into Beautiful Perspective Images

Okay, sometimes a screenshot is filled with too much text or too much white space, and that might not appear nice on a page that already has too much text or too much white space.

The solution is turning them into the perspective mode.

We talked about Snagit in the ‘Screenshots’ section above. Snagit has the feature of turning images into perspective. Some of the images in this post were turned into perspective mode using Snagit.

Again, if you don’t want to spend $50 on an app, you can achieve this using a free web app called offers more features, such as the ability to put screenshots inside the devices held by a guy or a girl. You can choose from a number of devices.

The only downside of is that it only offers the smallest resolution photo for free; to get the highest resolution, you have to pay.

In my experience, I’ve created images with 400px and resized them to 600x, which still looks nice.

6. Create Images from Quotes Faster

Perhaps the easiest way to create beautiful images for your blog is by creating images from Quotes.

You just need to find a relevant quote. Then, you can fire up any of the image editors we mentioned in the ‘Image editors’ section.

You can also use, which lets you write the cover and then select a range of predefined dimensions suitable for social media posts, Twitter or Facebook covers, wallpapers for mobile or PC, etc. It gives you beautiful-looking quotes in a snap.

It works very similarly to Canva, which has more options.

However, when you are looking to create a simple yet beautiful image for your blog, too many options can be confusing, and you will end up spending more time on it.

7. Upload Multiple Images Together

This one is pretty simple, and maybe you all are doing it the same way, but if you have to use multiple images in a post, upload them all at once.

Then uncheck them all (as they are auto-checked and are inserted in the post at once), then click on the places you want to insert, click Add Media, select the image and insert the image.

You will be able to do it right away, as the rest of the images have been uploaded to the background.

You can also publish directly from your desktop using Windows Live Writer for Windows or Blogo for Mac.

This saves time uploading the images to your server, as everything is done once you hit the publish button. If you use Mac, Blogo is great because it also lets you set a Featured image for your blog posts.

Using a desktop publishing app is also beneficial for preventing your posts from losing their content in case of a browser crash.

There have been times when I lost long posts because the browser decided to play foul.

You don’t want to save time creating images and only spend it recovering your first drafts from your auto-saved post in ‘Revisions’ in WordPress.

So this is it: Take what works for you and create a workflow that allows you to spend less time creating images and more time creating the article itself.

Quick Links:

Conclusion: Tips to Quickly Create Beautiful Images for Your Blog 

In conclusion, creating beautiful images for your blog can be quick and easy with the right tools and techniques.

Use graphic design tools, leverage free stock photo websites, and follow basic design principles to enhance your blog’s visual appeal.

By consistently using attractive images, you can engage your audience and make your blog more visually appealing.

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Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja, a WordPress Plugin, and he is also the founder of multi-award-winning blog,, along with, and Megablogging. He is a successful online marketer & award-winning digital marketing consultant. He has been featured on HuffingtonPost, BusinessWorld, YourStory, Payoneer, Lifehacker & other leading publications as a successful blogger & digital marketer.

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