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5 Best Ways to Find Your Voice for Writers and Bloggers In 2024

After blogging for over two years and reading many great blogs, I’ve made some determinations about what work for me.

Find Your Voice for Writers and Bloggers is vital in today’s world.

Let’s face it: the blogs we subscribe to and truly enjoy aren’t all alike. What would be the point of reading five, ten or twenty versions of the same thing? Exactly.

Like most new bloggers, I struggled in the beginning to figure out what my blog was about and why I should continue to write.

It certainly wasn’t a ‘how-to’ blog because I would be the last person to suggest I had all the answers on any given subject.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t have my own opinions. In fact, I’m very opinionated and I get the most traffic and comments on my blog when I voice my opinions.

I discovered that while following ProBlogger’s book 31 Days to Build a Better Blog.

It specifically tells you on Day 19 to write an opinion post. The post I wrote from that prompt is, to this day, the most read and shared.

I didn’t take that as a sign to spew my opinions daily or even weekly.

I simply tucked it away and knew that when something was really eating at me, and I needed to vent it, that was okay.

I learned that even when you’ve found your way with your blog and narrowed down your niche, you still need to mix it up once in a while.

My blog is the prelude to my memoir and my writing platform.

Ways to Find Your Voice for Writers and Bloggers

I tell stories on my blog. People tend to like my storytelling even when the stories aren’t pretty.

Discovering my difficult childhood stories and helping others deal with their childhood demons was all I needed to keep going.

We can all help each other by simply honestly telling our stories.

Find Your Voice for Writers and Bloggers: 5 Ultimate Tips

1. Speak Your Mind

Speak your mind
credits: pixabay

If you think you should write a certain way or temper your voice to appeal to a particular audience, you’re not being true.

The old adage, ‘You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time,’ will always ring true.

You may discover that when you speak your mind, you actually speak for many who don’t have a platform but will support yours.

2. Mix It Up

I read a variety of blogs because it keeps the experience fresh and interesting.

I love it when one of the bloggers I read writes something totally unexpected that makes me sit up and take notice.

That’s interesting because it shows you another side to that blogger and makes you feel like you know them better.

I’m not a young girl, but even at my age, there are only so many stories to tell.

In between, it’s good to share your humorous or creative side, and occasionally, it’s even better to express your opinions.

3. Throw Caution To The Wind

Annabel Candy was interviewed on Everyday Bright about her obsession with doing something that scares her. I think that’s admirable, but I’m not that adventurous.

However, when I find something that stirs passion in my soul, I feel the need to write about it, and that can be scary.

This is how my process goes… I write like a maniac without any thought to editing. It’s a stream of consciousness all the way. It’s exhilarating!

Then I stop and walk away. My internal dialogue usually goes something like this:

“Wow that really felt good!”

“Sure but you can’t publish it.”

“But I have to publish it. It’s how I really feel.”

“The world doesn’t need to know exactly how you feel!”

“This is important and I want my readers to know this is really me, this is how I feel and I’m not ashamed of it!”

Then, with a knot in my stomach, I go back and edit.

After that, I pace some more and finally, with a very shaky finger, hit that publish button.

4. Accept the Fact That Not Everyone Will Share Your View

I admit that I love a good argument. I’m open and willing to discuss every conceivable angle of any topic and respect your right to disagree with me.

What I can’t stand is someone disagreeing with me in an ugly way and posting anonymously.

I put myself out there and bare my soul. The least people can do is share their names in their comments.

If you don’t have the courage of your convictions, what have you got?

5. Be Honest

be honest
credits: pixabay

We all have many facets to our lives, and if we are true to ourselves and our readers, we will share them.

If you never take chances, you’ll never fail, and you’ll never grow. None of us want that.

So, if you want to find your voice, speak your mind.

I’ve shared what helped me find my voice. Now it’s time for you to be brave, write honestly and find out what works for you.

Have you ever written an opinion piece? What was the response?

Quick Links:

Conclusion on Ways to Find Your Voice for Writers and Bloggers In 2024

To conclude, every writer and blogger has the ability to find their voice and make it heard.

As writers and bloggers, it is crucial to believe in our own power of self-expression and find a way to express that through the stories we write.

We must never be afraid to take risks and try out new things until we find what works for us.

With time, patience, dedication, resilience, courage, and confidence, we can all make an impact with the stories we tell.

If you work hard and are willing to take creative leaps of faith now and then, you will bring your narrative to life in ways like never before.

You have the potential for greatness within yourself – all you have to do is capitalize on it!

So don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and discover your unique, powerful voice.

Let us end this piece by inspiring one another: go out there and find YOUR brilliant writing voice!

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Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja, a WordPress Plugin, and he is also the founder of multi-award-winning blog,, along with, and Megablogging. He is a successful online marketer & award-winning digital marketing consultant. He has been featured on HuffingtonPost, BusinessWorld, YourStory, Payoneer, Lifehacker & other leading publications as a successful blogger & digital marketer.

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