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How to Use Polls on Different Social Media Platforms In 2024? 

Polls are an engaging way to involve your audience in your content.

They can help you gain valuable insights into what your followers are thinking, feeling, or wanting from you.

Whether you’re asking for feedback on a new product or just curious about which emoji best describes your followers’ moods, polls are a great way to interact with your community.

Here is a guide on how to create polls on the four most popular social media platforms—Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and Linkedin

How to Use Polls on Different Social Media Platforms In 2024? 

How to Create a Poll on Instagram?

How to Use Polls on Different Social Media Platforms?- Poll on Instagram 

Creating a poll on Instagram is easy! All you have to do is open up Instagram stories, click the “poll” sticker at the top of the page, type in your question and two answer choices, and then post it.

You can customize the look by adding emojis or GIFs as well! Your followers will be able to see the results after they vote. 

How to Create a Poll on Facebook?

How to Create a Poll on Facebook 


Creating a poll on Facebook is also simple! Just go to the status box at the top of your news feed and select “Create a poll.”

From there you can type in your question and two answer choices then click “post” when you’re done. People will be able to view the results after they vote. 

You can also create polls using Facebook Pages or Groups if you have access to them!

Just go into the group/page settings and select “create poll” from there. This will allow people outside of your friends list to view and vote on the poll as well. 

How to Create a Poll on Snapchat?

To create a Snapchat poll, open your story screen, select “poll” from the options at the bottom of the page, type in your question and two answer choices, and click “send” when you’re done!

Like Instagram stories, people will be able to see how others voted after they cast their vote. 

How To Create A Poll On LinkedIn?

How To Create A Poll On Linkedin  

Creating a poll on Linkedin is quite similar, but it has some extra features!

Go into LinkedIn Pulse (if it’s not already visible) by clicking “write an article” in either Mobile App or Desktop Mode.

Then scroll down until you find “Polls” under “Add More Content.” Fill out all necessary information, such as title and description, and hit save and publish when ready!

Unlike other platforms, on this platform, people can add comments along with their votes, giving even more insight into their thoughts on any given topic.  

Why Polls Are Beneficial?

Creating polls is an excellent way to increase engagement on your social media channels.

People will be more likely to participate in polls than other types of posts because they involve minimal effort—all they need to do is cast their votes.

Furthermore, since you can tailor the poll questions to your target demographic, you can get very specific feedback that can inform marketing campaigns or product development.  

Finally, polls are a great way to start conversations with your followers/audience and encourage them to interact with each other.

This type of interaction builds a sense of community around your brand and encourages people to come back for more. 

How To Create A Poll On Social Media?

How To Create A Poll On Social Media 

1. Choose the right platform for sharing the poll – Not all social media platforms are suitable for creating polls. Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook are some of the best sites for running polls, as they have built-in polling features that make it quick and easy for people to vote.  

2. Pick relevant topics – Before creating the poll, decide what type of information you would like from your followers/audience. Think carefully about which topics would be most relevant and interesting to them so that you can get meaningful responses that will help you grow your business or brand accordingly. 

3. Keep the questions concise – Try not to make the questions too long or complicated; otherwise, people won’t bother voting because it takes too much effort or time for them to understand what you’re asking them. Keep it short and sweet! 

4. Make sure there are enough options – Don’t limit yourself when it comes to possible answers; give users enough choices so that they can express themselves fully without being restricted by pre-determined answers only.  

5. Add visuals – Adding visuals such as images or videos helps draw attention to your poll so that more people will see it and participate in it!  Visuals also make the poll appear more professional, which can help boost its credibility in the eyes of potential voters, followers, and audience members, who may otherwise ignore it if they think it looks sloppy or unprofessional.  

6. Analyze results – After collecting data from your poll, analyze the results carefully so that you can use this valuable information for future campaigns or product development efforts! This will help ensure that whatever decisions you make regarding marketing strategies or product design are based on real customer feedback rather than guesswork alone. 

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Conclusion: How to Use Polls on Different Social Media Platforms? 2024

Using polls across popular social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and LinkedIn can help spark conversations.

While gathering valuable insights from your followers quickly and easily without having to write out long surveys or emails asking for feedback – making it easier than ever before for content creators & marketers alike!

So don’t hesitate—start utilizing this powerful tool today and get closer to those who follow and support you every day!

With just a few clicks now, anyone can learn exactly what their audiences desire—so why wait?

Start something today that could potentially change tomorrow – who knows what amazing things could come from it?

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I am the Founder of GizmoBase and also cofounder at, a digital marketing agency that specializes in content and data-driven SEO. With over 7 years of experience in digital marketing and affiliate marketing, I have developed a deep understanding of various domains, including ecommerce, startups, social media marketing, make money online, affiliate marketing, and human capital management. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and expertise in these areas to help businesses thrive.

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