Mindvalley Be Extraordinary Review 2025: Is It Worth The HYPE? (Honest Opinion)

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Mindvalley’s Be Extraordinary program is an inspiring journey designed to help you unlock your full potential and live a more meaningful life. With Vishen Lakhiani’s guidance, it offers tools to transform your mindset and achieve personal growth.

  • Encourages deeper self-awareness
  • Helps set and achieve meaningful goals
  • Practical techniques for mindset shifts
  • Vishen’s teaching is motivating and clear
  • It offers a leading-edge curriculum
  • Requires commitment to personal growth

Price: $29

Curious about the Be Extraordinary course by Mindvalley? Wondering if it really delivers on its big promises?

You’re in the right place!

We all want to reach our full potential, but sometimes, we don’t know where to start. If you’ve ever felt stuck or unsure about how to level up in life, this course claims to have the answers.

Mindvalley Be Extraordinary Review

Created by Vishen Lakhiani, Be Extraordinary is designed to help you break past limitations and unlock your true potential.

But does it actually work?

In this honest Mindvalley Be Extraordinary Review, I’ll take you through everything—what the course covers, how it’s structured, and the pros and cons—so you can decide if it’s the right fit for you.

Let’s dive in!

Bottom Line Upfront: Mindvalley Be Extraordinary is nothing but a leading-edge curriculum, which helps you to achieve anything in your life, by boosting your potential to the next level and become an extraordinary person. Mindvalley provides you lots of courses related to:

Vishen Lakhiani - BE Extraordinary

Mindvalley Be Extraordinary helps you at any stage of life from getting out of your comfort zone and becoming a great leader or any individual who wants to attain his/her goals. To have the love and support of family and friends, without breaking them.

Mindvalley Be Extraordinary Overview: About The Trainer!

Vishen Lakhiani marks himself as one of the most prominent trainers regarding personal growth in this modern world.

Vishen was a computer engineer and a very successful entrepreneur.

Now, he has become the founder and CEO of Mindvalley, a company with a staff of around 200 people that aims to help people live healthy, stress-free, and successful lives.

Vishen Lakhiani - Founder of Mindvalley

Mindvalley is a digital platform that offers lessons from some of the world’s best trainers. Its goal is to help users unlock their brain and health potential.

In addition to founding Mindvalley, he is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council and holds a position at the XPRIZE Foundation’s Innovation Board.

Vishen has a clear mission. He wants to change and improve the global education system, which focuses on marks more than anything.

He has already made plans and frameworks for the education system he wants to implement.

Vishen Lakhiani has won many awards for his contribution to the field of education. He has taught many people worldwide, and the number is still rising.

With Mindvalley, he has given over 15 years of changing and helping people through his experience and various techniques.

Vishen’s dedication and hard work in creating Mindvalley have made It one of the world’s Fortune 500 companies.

Government organizations, reputed colleges, and private companies contact Mindvalley to train their employees and students. Vishen gives multiple speeches and lectures worldwide daily.

Camilla Hansson Review

Be Extraordinary Quest is its signature course of Vishen. Be Extraordinary reflects his hard work, field experience, and knowledge. With this course, Vishen has helped thousands of people have a life they didn’t even imagine.

Apart from these, Vishen has also written a New York Times Bestseller, ‘The Code of Extraordinary Mind.’

Now that I know about the trainer of this course let us look at a brief overview in Be Extraordinary Review.

Be Extraordinary Review 2025: Is Mindvalley Really Worth It?

You are a student, and you feel you can improve your learning and understanding. Do you think you are not reaching your full potential?

You are giving it your best but can’t achieve what you want.

Despite various efforts, do you think there is something more you can achieve in the personal growth department?

Do you think you are better than others consider you to be? If the answer to these questions is a yes, you should check out this Be Extraordinary Quest.

This course will take you to a whole different level of self-mastery.

Mindvalley Be Extraordinary Review

Numerous students and professionals spend their lives without knowing their full potential and what they could have achieved if they had known it.

Too many personal growth students spend their entire lives never genuinely crossing the gap between where they are and where they want to be.

In these cases, people generally start to feel dejected and easily get influenced by the thoughts of others.

However, the Be Extraordinary Quest is there to elevate you from such feelings and give you a complete understanding of your true potential.

This quest will help you determine what you are currently and what you can be. Then, it will give all the necessary pathways and tools to become more.

The whole course is divided into multiple levels. I’ll explain the course parts one by one:

Level 1

This is the part to which most people can relate. This level consists of the influence of society, friends, culture, etc. over you.

Level 2

Level 2 is known as the ‘Considerations Create Reality’ stage. This is the place where self-awareness dwells.

Here, you begin investigating better approaches for appearing on the planet.

It’s where you find thoughts like contemplation, speed learning, personal change, and wellness hacking. It’s the point at which you begin rising past what many people are doing and getting remarkable.

Level 3

Level 3 is the essential objective of the Be Extraordinary system. At this level, you’ve addressed numerous thoughts of the customary world you’ve ventured into as a ‘Worker To A Higher Calling.’ 

This is where you’ll discover new capacities that begin to rise in you, including a sentiment of connectedness with the entirety of humankind and presence. A feeling of being taken advantage of by your instinct and internal shrewdness.

A sense of quickened creation power, where your considerations become a reality at lightning speed. Also, even a sentiment of association with a Higher Power, as though the Universe itself is pulling for you.

Level 4

This is a degree of uncommon enchanted Oneness with all that is. Most of the Be Extraordinary structure centers around Stages 2 and 3, where the most substantial advantages are anticipated.

Nonetheless, through this new and refreshed form of the structure, you’ll figure out how to begin getting to this slippery level just because of what is known as the ‘Combining Technique.’

Now that we have a brief idea about the course, let us get into the details of the curriculum.

Mindvalley Be Extraordinary Curriculum: 

The Be Extraordinary Quest guides you through a simple-to-follow 30-day educational program.

Every one of these days centers around an exciting part of ascending through the 4 phases of human cognizance – permitting you to develop yourself at a consistent, charming pace. 

Through the Quest, you’ll investigate your frameworks of living and models of the real world. You’ll see your examples and convictions in an entirely different light.

Moreover, you’ll increase 18 enabling devices to immediately update your inward programming, permitting you to change how you think, perform, and appear on the planet forever.

When you arrive at the end, you’ll have all the instruments and bits of knowledge you have to begin living from a more elevated level of cognizance.

Lastly, experience the entire degree of your self-awareness.

Warm Up Content

Before the Be Extraordinary educational program starts, Vishen will manage you through a warm-up grouping intended to set you up for the Quest so that you can appreciate the ideal outcomes.

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You’ll find the charming story behind the Be Extraordinary system and learn about the most significant speculations and ideas canvassed in the Quest.

As a bonus, You’ll additionally gain admittance to Vishen’s Consciousness Engineering address, a structure for accelerating your development by figuring out how to put in NEW BELIEFS more readily and how to update your DAILY HABITS.

It resembles having the option to reconstruct yourself for quicker development, how you change the settings on your telephone. 

Features include:

  • The five different ways society injures our brains with ‘Brules’ (Bullsh*t Rules) – and how tuning in to your spirit rather than what you’re told can assist you with breaking liberated from them. 
  • How mankind’s dependence on language helped us develop (yet additionally made us powerless against intellectual figments that limit our maximum capacity). 
  • Mastering Consciousness Engineering: a strategy for reconstructing your awareness with new convictions, models of the real world, and frameworks for living that drive your advances.

Part 1

The Structures of Consciousness

Your ‘Be Extraordinary’ venture starts with a profound jump into your psychological models and how to get to higher conditions of human presence.

You’ll get mind hacks, activities, and instruments you can use in a flash. Check where you’re at and begin climbing on the stepping stool of human awareness.

Features include:

  • Developing your ROSE (Rate of Self Evolution): two techniques to quickly pick up force and reach your latent capacity maximum furthest.
  • Culture Hacking: How to get away from negative programming that may have been modified into you through your way of life, religion, or customs.
  • The Psychology of Transformation: How to develop yourself and your comprehension of the world so quickly, your companions who haven’t stayed in contact should become more acquainted with all of you once more. 
  • Why enduring and torment occurs and how to grow new mental models to transform enduring into an instructor and a healer. As Victor Frankl said, “When importance is given to affliction, it stops languishing.” You will figure out how to mend the torment of your past so you can proceed onward, bolder, more grounded, and more intelligent.

Part 2:

The Ultimate State of Human Existence

Figure out how to explore human feelings to guarantee you’re continually feeling and performing at your pinnacle potential.

You’ll figure out how to move to a state where you can undoubtedly make synchronicities and enchantment in your life on autopilot. 

Features include:

  • Instructions to hack your joy so you’re in a positive, passionate state on practically all occasions – regardless of what’s happening around you.
  • The greatest lie about otherworldliness: what it truly intends to be ‘profound,’ and how you can tackle this quality to touch off change in yourself and your general surroundings.
  • Breaking the Happiness Paradox: how to bring Vision and Bliss into your life so you can have BIG objectives (even though your joy is not, at this point, attached to the fulfillment of these objectives, you’re cheerful NOW, and your happiness powers your development towards the purpose).
  • The most effective method to conquer the shortage is otherworldly reasoning. Figure out how to be otherworldly yet, in addition, unique, affluent, and affect the world. Supernatural individuals should run the world; instead, many end up broke. It’s an ideal opportunity to bust the profound blame around accumulating cash and force.

Part 3

The Art of Discipline

To some extent 3, you’ll learn the authority of passionate states.

Your feelings are a definitive, ultimate objective: each objective is significantly about feeling better. In any case, many of us do not influence our passionate states.

Here, you will figure out how to saddle the intensity of feeling to feel blissful regularly and utilize enthusiastic forms to impact the truth around you.

Features include:

  • One everyday propensity for supercharging your bliss, prosperity, enthusiastic knowledge, and to try and rest better (it’s not contemplation, and it just takes minutes daily). 
  • How Happiness Happens: the study of brain science you can apply to be more glad, all the more regularly. 
  • Step-by-step instructions to be so restrained about your enthusiastic states that passionate prosperity and joy come to you on autopilot – which carries euphoria to everybody around you. 

Part 4

A Vision For Your Future

Objective setting in the Western world can be challenging because we so regularly set objectives not from our spirit but dependent on what media, publicizing, and culture push us towards.

To a limited extent 4, you’ll figure out how to set objectives that originate from your most profound center – so you’re satisfying your spirit reason while likewise making an outstanding show-stopper of life for yourself and an ideal world for humankind.

Features include: 

  • Why a conventional objective setting isn’t merely broken, it’s risky (and what you ought to do instead to turn into a relentless objective getter).
  • You’ll ask yourself the 3 Most Important Inquiries: a surprising activity that gives you laser-concentrated clearness on what you truly need to accomplish throughout everyday life. Consolidate this with your up-and-coming authority of higher conditions of cognizance, and you’ll be reviving your wants quickly. 
  • Understanding your exceptional commitment to the world: Find how to locate your impressive endowments and guarantee your blessings to the world. Don’t go ungiven. This implies finding your edge and making it so ground-breaking you carry on with a satisfying life that fills in, for instance, to other people. 

Part 5

Becoming Unf*ckwithable

Here, you’ll begin puncturing the cloak of the natural world as you get familiar with the numerous ways cultural programming has nailed down your fullest human potential.

Also, why regularly do something contrary to what everybody – including your psyche – lets you know will lead you to inconceivable results?

As you do this, you will be convicted. What’s more, this is where you figure out how to get safe to analyze and applaud – you become unf*ckwithable. 

Features include:

  • Step-by-step instructions to be unf*ckwithable: a tricky uncommon condition where nothing can (or would even set out to) keep you away from your self-articulation and dreams. 
  • Making disappointment your companion is one basic strategy that permits you to redirect the vitality of any frustration toward your outstanding achievement. 
  • Self-Fueled Goals: How do you set objectives that change your condition so nobody or no situation can play with you?

Part 6

Becoming Bold

An excessive number of us live far below our latent capacity.

To some extent 6, you’ll figure out how to amplify your objectives and vision, so you carry on with no second thoughts and ultimately encounter all the miracles of this human experience. 

Features include:

  • Instructions to rethink disappointment so you’re currently resistant to disappointment and dread. Disappointment as a psychological build can be expelled from your life, permitting you to live strikingly. 
  • Instructions to Find your Mission by grasping your previous torment. At times, the hurt from our past can be utilized as breadcrumbs to assist us with finding our future. 
  • Why authenticity isn’t for you. Instructions to be ridiculous and define objectives that conventional people would not consider. 
  • Step-by-step instructions to make a move on your objectives so they come to you quicker. 

Part 7

Tapping Into Intuition

As you set broad objectives, the inquiry turns out to be: How would you get to them?

Here, you figure out how to take advantage of changed conditions of cognizance to outfit instinct – and use it to discover the appropriate responses that move you towards your vision.

Features include:

  • The study of instinct and why you have to saddle this aptitude. The initial step is figuring out how to utilize intuition as a direction framework so you settle on the correct choices throughout everyday life: who to date, what occupation to take, etc. 
  • Step-by-step instructions to make a mark on the planet by tackling instinct as a wellspring of inventiveness and motivation – so you can produce groundbreaking thoughts, new organizations, and even new developments on the fly. 
  • Step-by-step instructions to make undetectable advocates: mental and profound builds that permit you to converse with higher knowledge and get shrewdness and motivation on request. 

Part 8

Bending Reality

You’ll get another arrangement of cutting-edge devices and psyche shifts for moving results in support of yourself.

The outcome: You’ll be able to twist reality and grasp your most noteworthy reason for living.

What you realize here will forever change how you see yourself and appear on the planet. 

Features include:

  • The Law of Resonance: Find why the Universe doesn’t depend on your wants but on your identity (and how you can work with this wonder to structure your ideal reality). 
  • The logical method to utilize your brain to mend and ensure your body. This implies having the option to recuperate from ailment quicker and, in any event, hindering maturing.
  • The most effective method to get extraordinary clarity on what you need so you can be laser-centered around showing your fantasies. 

Part 9

Embracing Your Call

In the last piece of Be Extraordinary, you’ll figure out how to comprehend your spirit’s motivation on this planet.

Also, how to combine your spirit with any result you need (as long as it’s adjusted) so you can twist the texture of the natural world and move to your objectives quicker and without breaking a sweat. 

Features include:

  • The Merging Technique: the most progressive apparatus in this Quest. You’ll figure out how to shape the vitality of any result you need so you can resolve any issue or wreck in your life and apparently ‘impact reality’ to make any result or objective come to you effortlessly. 
  • Turning into a worker to a higher calling: you’ll figure out how to structure your objectives, so what you’re looking for is in arrangement with what is best for humankind and Earth. 
  • The Power of Surrender: You’ll figure out how to move into a condition of giving up where objectives no longer make a difference because the Universe demonstrates through you.

Continue reading to learn more about everything you can learn in this course. 

Mindvalley Be Extraordinary Learnings: What Will You Learn?

There are so many things you can learn. Let’s have a look at each of them I have mentioned below.

Mindvalley Be Extraordinary Levels

1. More important Self-Love:

By finding and grasping your actual calling, you’ll increase a newly discovered love and regard for the remarkable and boundless being you are. Your decisions, propensities, and feelings will improve as this equivalent feeling of self-esteem drives them. 

2. More noteworthy Confidence:

You’ll build up a feeling of clarity of direction and association with the Universe itself – which thus fills you with certainty to accomplish and develop in uncommon manners. The idea of disappointment will no longer keep you down. 

3. Opportunity From Overwhelm:

You’ll figure out how to channel your complete nearness and center into the current second, making you more gainful and quiet – even in the most testing circumstances.

4. Lucidity Of Purpose:

You’ll increase a clear vision of your great reason and how to structure a rousing life that is in ideal arrangement with it. Contemplations like “Is this the correct way for me?” will never again be an issue. 

5. Quickened Goal Achievement: 

Regardless of whether it’s a chance you need to find on the planet, a difficulty you need to explain, or even an ailment you need to recuperate from – you’ll discover how to transform your contemplations into reality at a quickened pace.

6. More profound Compassion: 

You’ll figure out how to not separate anymore or judge individuals depending on religion, culture, or race. To you, each paying little mind to conviction or foundation will be a piece of a similar aggregate cognizance. 

7. Genuine Forgiveness:

You’ll find how to transcend unimportant contrasts and misconceptions and practice valid, true pardoning for yourself and others. Your connections will significantly improve accordingly. 

8. Intensified Intuition:

You’ll figure out how to sharpen your suspicions so you’re continually directing yourself toward the most ideal decisions and choices. Vulnerability and self-uncertainty will become ancient remnants of the past for you.

Mindvalley Extraordinary Pricing and Details

Mindvalley Membership Plan

Join Mindvalley today and start your journey of personal transformation.

Here’s what you’ll get as a member:

  • Unlimited access to this program and all associated bonuses.
  • Full access to Mindvalley’s complete library of top-tier programs designed to enhance every area of your life.
  • Weekly live sessions with renowned trainers, bestselling authors, and celebrities.
  • Access to Mindvalley Meditations, offering a wide range of guided and ambient audio meditations for deep personal growth.
  • Entry to Mindvalley’s exclusive social network, where you can connect, share insights, and grow alongside other members.

Choose the membership plan that suits you best:

1. Monthly Membership

  • $29/month
  • Billed monthly, cancel anytime.

2. Yearly Membership (Best Value)

  • $199/year (equivalent to $16.58/month)
  • Cancel anytime.

Join now and begin your transformation!

Pros And Cons Of Mindvalley Be Extraordinary


  • Provides exercises that can shift your perspective.
  • Introduces new ideas that challenge your current way of thinking.
  • Vishen communicates clearly, making complex concepts easy to understand.
  • You can take the course alongside others, allowing for group discussions.
  • Offers a structured approach to self-improvement, making it easier to follow and apply.
  • Encourages deep self-reflection, helping you understand yourself better.


  • The videos are sometimes brief, leaving you wanting more detail.
  • You need to be mentally committed to fully engage with the course content.

FAQs❓ About Mindvalley Be Extraordinary

What makes Be Extraordinary a course to look out for?

Be Extraordinary is made by Vishen, a mastermind when it comes to training people to unlock their potentials and the founder of Mindvalley. His lists of achievements are long enough to answer this question.

What if I do not like to Be Extraordinary course?

Well, you are entirely free to leave the course if you do not like it. The course has a money-back guarantee of 10 Days if you want to revert your decision to take this course.

Do I need Mindvalley's Be Extraordinary course?

Taking Be Extraordinary course is a subjective thing and a personal choice. However, you should take Vishen’s demo class first to understand the course's meaning and importance. This will help you determine better.

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Final Thoughts: Mindvalley Be Extraordinary Review 2025

Is this course for you?

You will surely get good value for money with the Mindvalley Extraordinary Course.


Mindvalley Be Extraordinary is an extraordinary, leading-edge curriculum that helps you achieve anything by boosting your potential to the next level and becoming more exceptional.

The courses at Mindvalley provide you with knowledge related to mental health and growth, as well as many other topics.

Ranveer Allahbadla Review

If this sounds like something you’d like to explore further, check out our website today or contact us for more information on how we can help make your dreams come true!

Vishen’s large center strips back the restricting contemplations society has set on many of us and then put in the work to methodically alter your perspective and disposition.

It’s not simple. Expressly, I accept this course can be helpful for you if: 

  1. You tend to self-harm or shut down and must control these foolish propensities.
  2. You are profoundly delicate to the analysis and assessments of others.
Aishwar Babber

Aishwar Babber is a dedicated blogger and skilled digital marketer with a deep passion for the latest tech trends and gadgets. His enthusiasm drives him to manage and grow TwinStrata, a platform dedicated to tech enthusiasts. With extensive expertise in digital marketing, SEO, and social media optimization (SMO), Aishwar thrives as a full-time marketer, successfully leading and contributing to various projects.

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