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5 Part Time Jobs You Can Do From Home in Singapore In 2024

We are changing the way we do our jobs. In many countries, there are no longer any 9-to-5 jobs.

After spending the last year sitting over laptops and participating in Zoom calls during bubble tea breaks and Chloe Ting workouts, many of us realized we didn’t want to continue to plod through corporate life.

Some people are trying out the gig economy as a way to turn their hobbies into money and earn extra cash to build something bigger.

You don’t even have to leave your house (or your pyjamas) to get started, thanks to technology.

People who can’t leave their homes are finding ways to make work-from-home side jobs work for them.

This includes stay-at-home caregivers and people who don’t want to catch the flu by going outside.

5 Part Time Jobs You Can Do From Home in Singapore 2024

Part Time Jobs You Can Do From Home in Singapore
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Side jobs are other ways to make money besides your main job.

Having extra money in Singapore lets you pursue your interests, buy things you need, and worry less about money, even though it is one of the most expensive places to live in the world.

When you’re just starting out, a 9-to-5 job may not be enough to pay the bills.

With the number of ways to make money online growing constantly, it’s very possible to start earning a second income from home.

We’ll show you how to get started with some of Singapore’s most common side jobs.

1. Transcriber

What You’ll Do: Listen to or watch files and write down what you hear or see. As a transcriber, you might write down lectures, interviews, or even group conversations.

Transcribers are becoming more in demand as more businesses hire freelancers to do the job in order to save money.

People who run podcasts are also interested in transcription services.

Most of the time, people who want your help will send you an audio file. Your job, on the other hand, is to type up the audio file and turn it in either as is or as a blog post.

Skills Needed: You’ll save a lot of time if you can type quickly and accurately and have a good memory, but you can start as long as you know the language well. You can also look for transcription services in fields that interest you or that you know a lot about.

As you get more experience, you can take on more technical jobs like legal, medical, or financial transcription, which will increase your pay by an average of 8 percent.

Time and Capital Needed: Headphones are probably the most important thing you’ll need besides a laptop. Some client recordings will be clear, but others might not be. Having a good pair of headphones that can cut through background noise, accents, or slurred speech will help a lot with making an accurate transcript.

How Much You Can Earn: How much you can make depends on how good you are and how quickly the job needs to be done. Transcribers get paid by the audio hour, not by how many hours they work on a project.

So, in this kind of job, it’s all about how fast and right you are. The first rate is about $0.30 per minute of audio.

It’s not much, but you can make up to $4 per audio minute as you gain more experience.

How to Get the Job: There are many online platforms for freelance transcription that you can join, but a lot of them only work in North America. TranscribeMe, GoTranscript, and Upwork are the ones that Singaporean applicants use the most.

Job Tip: You will save a lot of time if you know what your client wants. Ask your client how they want their transcript to be set up before you start working on it.

Here are some things to talk about with the client before starting the project: Formatting, text style, margins, time code requirements, headers, and file names.

2. Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant
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What You’ll Do: Help businesses stay open by helping your clients with different tasks. You’ll get to work on tasks like social media management, event management, or even digital marketing.

But be ready to do repetitive and boring tasks like answering emails, making budgets, and setting up meetings.

Smaller businesses often hire virtual assistants to do these boring tasks so they can save time and money.

Skills Needed: You will need to be organized, good at doing more than one thing at once, and quick on your feet. Experience with doing office work, doing research, and managing money is a plus.

The scope is based on what the client wants, so you’ll learn most of what you need to know on the job. Most of the time, virtual assistants are hired by businesses to help them get more done and get rid of boring tasks.

Time and Capital Needed: Virtual assistants usually work the same hours every week, but the times vary from client to client. That means you’ll have different options based on how much time you can give. Most of the time, all you need is a laptop and internet service.

How Much You Can Earn: Virtual assistants can make anywhere from $8 to $50 an hour.

How to Get the Job: Look for opportunities on sites like Freelancer and Upwork.

Job Tip: Virtual assistants need to know how to deal with their time well.

Having a good balance between work and life means being organized, especially if you have a lot of clients. Use time blocks to work on specific tasks without being interrupted.

3. Online Tutor

Online Tutor
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What You’ll Do: Tutoring can be a good way to make extra money if you know how to teach. You can teach students online through live streaming or have them come to your house (while still observing the limits on visitors).

To help students understand the material, you’ll need to make worksheets, visual aids, and other tools.

Skills Needed: You need to have degrees in the right subjects, be able to get students interested, and have a lot of patience. For subjects that can be tested locally, you’ll need to learn the syllabus.

You could also teach English or another language to people who want to learn it on their own time.

Time and Capital Needed: If you are tutoring local examinable subjects, you will be expected to stay at least until the end of the school year. Language tutoring is less strict on the side. If the classes are online, you’ll need a laptop that can record good videos and a mic.

How Much You Can Earn: Entry-level workers can earn as much as $18 per hour. Teaching Math, Science, and English to elementary and middle school students can be more lucrative with a local degree or National Institute for Excellence (NIE) certification.

How to Get the Job: Many sites like Teachnlearn let you find a tutor online. Several online language schools and platforms are available, including DaDaABC and Whales English.

Job Tip: You don’t have to be good at a subject or language to be able to teach it well. You’ll need to be able to teach at a level that fits the needs of each student. Most importantly, be willing to learn and willing to wait.!

4. Website and App Tester

website tester
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What You’ll Do: As the job title suggests, you will test how well websites or apps work. User experience is becoming more and more important to businesses as they become more digitally savvy and customer-focused.

Skills Needed: You will need to know how to use websites well. You’ll do certain things on the websites and use certain functions (like buying a t-shirt) while giving feedback in real-time.

You use the app pretty much like any other person, talking out loud as you browse. Your ideas will then be used to make the platform easier to use and less buggy.

Most of the time, you’ll be matched with businesses that serve your age group and way of shopping. For example, if you’re testing a shopping website, you might be asked how often and where you shop online before you’re given a website or app to test.

Time and Capital Needed: Timing is up to you, but you’ll have to keep an eye out for new jobs because they get taken up quickly. To record your feedback, you’ll need a computer, a mic, a quiet place, and the screen capture software that the platform gives you.

How Much You Can Earn: pays $13.96 for each completed test, which takes about 15–20 minutes.

How to Get the Job: IntelliZoomPanel, IntelliTest, and UserTesting are all places where you can apply.

Job Tip: It helps to know how websites and apps are usually set up.

5. Voiceover Artist

What You’ll Do: This is your chance to use a good voice if you have one. There are a variety of ways you can offer voice-over services, including commercials and audio guides.

Voiceovers are when a voice is recorded ahead of time and used in a media production, usually in the background. Most of the time, voice actors read from a script.

Skills Needed: Voiceover talent doesn’t need to be a professional, but they do need to have a smooth and attractive voice. You’ll need to be able to speak clearly and with good tone and emotion control.

You’ll need to be flexible, which is very important. Voice-over artists have to make different versions of scripts for directors to choose from, so it’s important that they can change their voices to show variety.

Time and Capital Needed: Voice-over artists have flexible schedules that depend on their clients’ agreements. You’ll need to buy tools like USB headphones for voice-over work.

How to Get the Job: You can find voiceover jobs on Upwork and

How Much You Can Earn: Depending on your experience and skill, voiceover projects can earn you between $20 and $40 per hour.

Job Tip: Make short samples of your voice to get jobs. Employers are always interested in hearing your voice before giving you a position, even if you have a great portfolio.

How to Start Making Money on the Side at Home?

We’ll finish up with some tips on how to choose a side job:

  1. Write down what you’re good at, what you’re interested in, and what your strengths are. It’s more likely to be successful if you do a side job that you enjoy.
  2. Decide right away if you want to invest your money. Side jobs shouldn’t cost too much, but you might have to pay for things like hosting and tools.
  3. Keep your interests separate, especially from your day job.
  4. Schedule time for your side job, or you’ll be too busy to do everything else.
  5. Don’t forget about your day job. You’ll probably still need it to pay the bills for now.

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Conclusion: Part-Time Jobs You Can Do From Home in Singapore 2024

If you are looking for a part-time job to do from the comfort of your home, this list provides a variety of options that may interest you.

The jobs listed here range from customer service and data entry positions to writing and tutoring.

So, no matter what your skills or interests may be, there is likely something on this list that will fit your needs.

Read through the descriptions carefully to find the perfect job for you, and then apply today!

arun singh
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I am Arun Singh, an experienced server management geek with a track record of over 8 years in handling hosting servers. I am currently based in Mumbai, India, where I work in a private company and I also handle server management at Alongside my expertise in server management, I also enjoy sharing my knowledge in digital marketing. With a passion for both fields, I strive to provide optimal server performance and occasionally contribute insights in the ever-evolving realm of digital marketing. My dedication to excellence drives me to deliver efficient solutions and contribute to the success of businesses.

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