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7 Powerful Ways to Monetize a Blog In 2024: Are You Ready To Follow?

Get The Ultimate 7 Powerful Ways to Monetize a Blog.

Is blogging a legitimate way to get money? Is it possible to monetize your blog if it attracts more than 10,000 unique visits per month?

Earning money from a blog with fewer than a thousand unique visitors each day is a genuine struggle for many bloggers and webmasters.

The life cycle of a blog is similar to that of a human being.

New blogs are not the same as those that have been around for a long time.

It’s a fact that making money from blogging takes time. No matter what you’ve heard, becoming a successful blogger takes time and effort.

7 Powerful Ways to Monetize a Blog In 2024

 Powerful Ways to Monetize a Blog

Before you learn how to make money from your blog, it’s important to know the five essential rules of blogging.

Regardless of how long you’ve been blogging, following these rules will lead to long-term success.

On the other hand, neglecting them will make it difficult to increase your blog’s traffic and earn money from it.

1. The First Step Is to Narrow Your Focus

It’s important to keep blogs focused. Writing about the same subject over and over again is essential.

Try not to spread yourself too thin. Your main audience will become disinterested if you start going off in different directions.

It is because a blog fills a need or a need that people return to it over and again.

The best way to do this is to keep attentive and focused on the subject at hand.

2. Secondly, The Quality Of the Product

Blogging is often equated with churning out copious amounts of information.

But if the content is too thin, it doesn’t function. Your article must be of the highest quality.

It must be comprehensive, well-written, and reference its sources. If a study is cited, a link to it must be provided.

If you’re serious about making money from your blog, don’t cut corners.

3. It’s Worth Noting the Value 

Your blog must be useful to your readers.

What do you have to offer as a teacher to others? What do you consider to be your area of expertise? Take the time to add value.

To actually help people comprehend or figure anything out, provide extensive tutorials and instructive pieces that use video and other material.

In any sector, but especially in blogging, value is the first step toward making money.

4. Become a Freelance Blogger in Your Area of Interest

One of the most straightforward options for earning money from your blog is becoming a freelance writer for other blogs in your industry.

You started your blog because you have extensive expertise and knowledge in that particular field.

When it comes to creating marketing content, you can’t go wrong with a person with expertise in a particular field.

Using his blog, Writers in Charge, Bamidele Onibalusi demonstrated his expertise in content marketing while also expanding his readership.

Blogging for other companies is now his full-time job.

According to Glassdoor data, the average American freelancer earns around $40k per year. Your level of experience and the niche you’re writing in will influence this number.

Writing for Blogs: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you want to write for businesses or blogs in your niche, the easiest method to find them is to do a Google search for relevant keywords.

Because clearly, the blogs that show up in the first few pages of Google are spending a lot of time and money on content marketing to get there.

5. Sell Online Courses to Make Money from Your Blog

One of the most popular ways for bloggers to make money is through the sale of online courses.

With courses, you may make money on autopilot. Just make sure your readers can’t find your material by doing a Google search on your topic.

Make sure you know what you’re talking about before you begin!

You can, however, utilize Teachable or Udemy to design and sell your course if you know what your audience is willing to pay for.

The goal is to get to know your students so that you can design a course to meet their specific needs. Online, people are willing to pay for sound advice.

It’s a shame that most online courses only cost $100-$500.

Unless you have a ton of traffic, you are unlikely to make $10,000 a month from online courses because the statistics don’t work in your favour.

As a first step, I’d recommend gauging the interest of your target demographic by conducting a survey.

Creating an MVP of your course will allow you to test the market and determine if you’ve landed on a gold mine.

6. Display Ads

Display ads are a common way to monetize a blog by using ad networks like Google AdSense.

These ads are displayed on your blog, and you earn revenue based on the number of impressions (views) or clicks they receive.

This method is straightforward to implement and can provide a steady income stream, especially if you have high traffic.

Ad placements can be in the sidebar, header, footer, or within the content.

To optimize ad revenue, place ads in high-visibility areas without compromising user experience.

Additionally, experimenting with different ad formats and sizes can help you find the most effective setup for your blog.

7. Sponsored Content

Sponsored content involves partnering with brands to create posts that promote their products or services.

Brands pay you to write content that aligns with your blog’s theme and their marketing goals.

This method works well if you have a significant following and can offer genuine exposure to the brand.

For example, you might publish a sponsored review of a new product or write about a brand’s event.

To maintain credibility, always disclose sponsored content to your readers.

It’s important to choose partnerships that resonate with your audience to ensure the content remains relevant and engaging, ultimately benefiting both you and the sponsor.

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Conclusion: 7 Powerful Ways to Monetize a Blog In 2024

In conclusion, there are many effective ways to make money from your blog.

By choosing the right methods and staying consistent, your blog can become a great source of income.

Just remember that success takes time and effort, but with persistence, your blog can grow and bring in money. Happy blogging!

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I am the Founder of GizmoBase and also cofounder at, a digital marketing agency that specializes in content and data-driven SEO. With over 7 years of experience in digital marketing and affiliate marketing, I have developed a deep understanding of various domains, including ecommerce, startups, social media marketing, make money online, affiliate marketing, and human capital management. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and expertise in these areas to help businesses thrive.

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