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7 Rhetorics of Blogging That Attract Readers In 2024

Let’s discuss the art of attracting readers through effective presentation in blogging.

Rhetoric, the art of effective presentation, plays a crucial role in capturing and retaining readers’ attention.

While perusing various blogs, I have observed that some well-written and interesting blogs fail to gain traction due to inadequate presentation, while others with average content excel due to their effective presentation.

It is evident that skilful use of rhetoric can make even a mundane topic engaging.

This also holds true for public speakers, as they can captivate an audience’s attention through effective rhetoric, even when discussing well-known topics.

Attracting readers is imperative in the realm of blogging, and rhetoric is a key factor in achieving this.

Why Rhetorics Are So Important?

Rhetoric plays a significant role when engaging with readers, consumers, or any audience.

To attract a large readership for your blog, begin by attracting a substantial group of readers, with the aim of retaining at least half of them.

Persuasion becomes much simpler when you have authority.


You can easily influence them to take desired actions, such as purchasing your products or subscribing to your list.

What topics fall under the umbrella of blogging rhetoric? Let’s learn more about it!

7 Rhetorics of Blogging That Attract Readers In 2024

1. Content

This is so obvious.

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When you have good content, you can attract readers. But, when you have the BEST content, you can attract AUDIENCE (a larger group).

Always write the best content in terms of quality, grammar, style (we’ll talk about this) and, most importantly, TOPIC too.

Because these old-school how-to-get-traffic posts have become too many to read, boost your creativity and write something that no one has written yet.

2. Headline

When you browse through blogs, what is the first thing that grabs your attention?


The catchy the headline, the better the readership.

After some furious experiments, how-to and insult headlines worked for me. For your information, the best headlines are-

How To- The stereotypical old-school how-to posts. They still attract a lot of readers.

Insult- When you insult someone, he/she will obviously respond. PS- Don’t make it offensive, though.

Curiosity- Create curiosity in the readers’ minds, and they will end up leaving a positive comment on the post after completely reading it up.

List- 7 Blogging Rhetorics You Should Know About: Add a number in front of the title and make it look interesting enough.

Thanks to Jeff Goins for this Golden Rule-

Number/Trigger word + Adjective + Keyword + Promise

3. Subheadings

Always remember, you are dealing with readers; not scientists or theorists who examine your latest thesis on nuclear research.

Ask yourself, do you love reading blog posts that have no headlines and look like a research paper?

No, right? The same goes for the other readers, too.

Subheadings help readers sort out and group the content. Most readers go through the content only after staring at the subheadline.

4. Images

Why do we prefer newspapers over radio and television over newspapers?

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You can see the image-proof in a newspaper, which you cannot see on a radio.

And you can see the video proof on television, which can’t be seen in a newspaper.

Having such attractive elements always grabs the attention of the audience.

In your blog post, you can express yourself through any medium, such as photo, video, audio, etc.

Adding an image that acts as a proof isn’t practical for blogs in other niches. However, a relevant image can still attract many readers.

A single image can actually convey the meaning of hundreds of words.

Do you read ZenPencils? If you love reading great quotes, there are moments when you can’t exactly get the actual meaning.

At ZenPencils, you can see the comically illustrated story of that quote, and you will love it.

But what kind of images should you add to your blog posts?

This completely depends on your taste. Whether a vector, a textual image, or a stock! But, never go with silly clip-arts, and always use relevant images.

5. Writing Style

Have an attractive writing style, and readers will love reading your writing.

The term itself might sound a little complicated, but it is actually not.

Just like you talk seriously/humorously/professionally/sarcastically or, however, write the same way.

I mean, write as you talk.

Maybe this can help you in creating a writing style.

6. Design

If the design doesn’t play an important role, why do you think webmasters and bloggers spend hundreds and thousands of dollars for an attractive design?

Web Designing

A clean and attractive design with good navigation always helps the reader in spending more time on your blog.

Even if you have the most wonderful content, a bad design will dump it in the trash.

No one would ever care about the content if they came across a messy blog.

7. Relations

When a reader leaves a comment on your blog post, what do you do? Approve it, and that’s all?

Write a reply, and this will definitely make him feel that you care about your readers.

Relationship marketing is one of the best strategies for getting quality results.

If you have a list, make sure you write some personal stuff, too.

Of course, the money is on the list, and we all know that. However, the subscribers get bored when you keep promoting your affiliate product.

So, occasionally write some personal emails, too, and ask them for feedback. They would love to.

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Conclusion: Rhetorics of Blogging That Attract Readers In 2024

In conclusion, using these 7 effective blogging rhetorics can significantly help you attract and engage readers.

By mastering techniques such as storytelling, emotional appeal, and clear messaging, you can create compelling content that resonates with your audience.

This not only keeps your readers coming back for more but also builds a loyal and engaged community around your blog.

So, as we’re now talking about the relations, how do you find this blog post? Interesting? Have something to say? Use the comment forms. I’d love to hear.

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Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja, a WordPress Plugin, and he is also the founder of multi-award-winning blog,, along with, and Megablogging. He is a successful online marketer & award-winning digital marketing consultant. He has been featured on HuffingtonPost, BusinessWorld, YourStory, Payoneer, Lifehacker & other leading publications as a successful blogger & digital marketer.

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