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10 Things You Must Do After Starting a New Blog In 2024

If you’re starting a blog or have already launched one and want to know what to do next, keep reading.

Before diving into the technical details, remember to be confident and passionate, as great ideas can come from anywhere.

I have some suggestions that I’ve learned the hard way, but you’ll be fine.

Back when I started blogging, there weren’t many resources from successful people to learn from.

We had no idea where to begin, so we learned through trial and error. However, you are fortunate to be surrounded by knowledgeable people, so take advantage of that.

This article is special to me because I’m going to share my experiences, lessons, and secrets to success for free.

Before we start, I want all my readers and subscribers to be on the same page.


If you haven’t launched your blog yet and are looking to start blogging, let me provide some guidance.

I recommend reading a guide on how to start a blog. This tutorial will teach you everything you need to know about setting up and launching a blog.

I particularly like this quote: “Whether you sell B-to-B or B-to-C, humans buy based on emotion.” – Brian Lewis 

You need to invest your energy and enthusiasm into your work and share what you believe in. If you do that, we’re good.

10 Things You Must Do After Starting a New Blog In 2024

1. Create a Publishing Schedule

You won’t consider it until you get in there and start working. One day, you’ll feel that you have to have a schedule to get a little more settled with the reader’s engagement and communication.

publishing sechdule

No publishing schedule is chaos.

No one knows when your next blog post comes out.

Over the course of time, one of the important things bloggers and content marketers do is inform their subscribers and readers about when they expect a blog post or newsletter from you.

There are a few benefits of having a publishing schedule:

  • You get bound to work on time.
  • You know when and what to do next.
  • You feel a little more responsible after that.
  • People expect from you at that time/point.
  • It encourages people to give it a try.

If you watch Ellie and Jared’s YouTube channel, you will notice that they have written clearly about their video upload schedule, which is every day.

This gives a pretty solid message to the video watchers that they can watch something about them every single day.

If you look at Savvy Sexy’s social videos on YouTube or Facebook, you’ll notice that Amy puts three videos out a week on specific days.

2. Build an Email List

The next most important thing you have to start doing is building an email list. Every successful blogger preaches email list building because if you’re not building one, you’re wasting relevant leads.

Build an Email List

There may be many different visitors coming to your website, but the most relevant and interested ones will subscribe to your email list because they enjoy your blog or are interested in what you’re doing.

That’s why they would appreciate receiving updates from you in the future.

Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income has often said that he made a huge mistake at the beginning of his blogging journey: not building an email list.

Why would you make that mistake?

Email marketing is one of the best lead-generation strategies tested and proven by online marketing and content marketing experts worldwide.

Use Aweber, Mailchimp, or any other email marketing service to build your list and send newsletters to subscribers.

3. Use Opt-in Forms and Popups

You probably notice that almost every blogger uses opt-in and popup forms to collect email subscribers and give visitors the opportunity to subscribe to receive a weekly or monthly update.

Use these opt-in forms in the sidebars, under the post, or above the content.

However, it can also be triggered from the left or right bottom of the page upon the scroll — whereas the popups would likely appear in the central area of the page, depending on the behaviour settings.

Although some marketers oppose the popup strategy, they are highly convertible in nature and work great for all types of niche blogs.

Services like OptinMonster, SumoMe, and Picreel are quite popular among brands and bloggers who focus on building an email list.

4. Turn Your Blog Into a Brand

The blog could be the starting point of your online business, but you have a lot to cover.

Make your blog helpful for your audience and try to create influence using your blog’s name on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and others.

Build a Brand. Be the Brand
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You probably have seen brands use YouTube Channels, Pinterest, Snapchat, Facebook, and Twitter to connect with their fans and followers and take their brands to the next level.

They don’t just rely on their website or official blog.

You have to do the same. You can’t just write your blog and wait for hundreds of raving fans to come over and discuss their problems with you.

Utilize all those platforms, especially Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

The steps to make your blog a brand could be the turning point of your whole blogging strategy — in fact, those social media networks could play a vital role in developing your following and email subscribers list.

5. Use Engagement Strategies

Every video doesn’t go viral, and every article doesn’t get ranked higher in the search engines.

So, you have to keep on trying to engage your audience in different ways.

The engagement of the audience doesn’t mean that you have to bring new followers and readers to your list; it means HOW TO DELIVER and WHAT TO DELIVER to the existing ones.

Facebook retargeting campaigns are one engagement strategy that brands use nowadays.

You can run a couple of advertising campaigns on the same platform.

You have to try out different engagement strategies, even though every brand has its kind of audience to grab.


Giveaways are one of the top ways bloggers prefer to build their email lists and increase their social media following. Rafflechopter is a popular giveaway tool.

You can start different content on Facebook or Instagram using tools like Wishpond or Leadpages.

Offer them free Ebooks on the newsletter sign-up to start a communication.

Many internet marketers and bloggers offer downloadable ebooks, checklists, and tutorials in PDF form as an opt-in bribe for the subscribers.

You can also set up a reader referral campaign using tools like Referral Candy or Invite Referrals.

6. Build Relationships with Readers

Relationship building is a great way to engage and educate readers.

Respecting your readers and always trying to be kind to them always works. This is the perfect way to build a loyal audience.

Now, it’s not just talking to the readers and replying to their comments on your blog.

Connect them through different mediums. Get active on social networks and try to help them in real life.

If your readers are on Twitter or Facebook, it means you can check their blogs too, go and pay occasional visits to your subscribers’ blogs and websites and tell them personally that you visited their blog or website, and this needs to be improved.

Chris Nosal says that blogging is about building relationships. He wrote a guest post about connecting with your readers, which was a pretty solid piece to read.

This is something you have to start doing without wasting your time.

7. Bring the Guest Posters

One of the important elements of taking your blog to the next level is getting an edge. You can leverage guest posting to uplift your blog without any problem.

However, there are certain tips and techniques that you should consider before publishing someone’s guest post on your blog.

Guest posting and blogging

This connects you with other bloggers socially and increases your blog’s popularity. You can’t keep your blog isolated and suddenly make it popular.

This MOZ article tells us why we should focus on guest posting — you’ll notice every top blog in all niches accepts guest posts, and the world’s top marketers and bloggers come across guest posts to develop their authority and following.

8. A/B Test and Analyze

What bloggers know is that they have to create high-quality content (after launching their blogs).

That’s correct.

However, a few of them know that they have to A/B test their content strategy by figuring out what type of audience their blogs are attracting with that content or what’s working on their blogs.

  • When you create a content strategy, you clearly define that:
  • Who do you want to target
  • What type of content will you create
  • Who would be the target audience
  • What to deliver in that content
  • Why to write such a content

The best way to test and analyze your content strategy is by analyzing the stats of your blog.

Whether you’re using Extreme Tracking or Google Analytics, track the keywords that are bringing the most visitors. Also, analyze your favourite posts and keywords using ‘Search Console’.

There are a bunch of website traffic analysis tools out there that bloggers use and recommend.

Try out different tools and pick the best one for you. You don’t have to pay for every tool because many of them are free.

9. Choose the Products to Use

You can’t grow your blog to the next level without using some high-quality and useful products.

From search engine optimization to keyword analysis, grammar checkers to email marketing services, opt-in forms to page builders, and VPS hosting to premium themes, all these are necessary products that help you develop your blog.

For example, I use Genesis Framework, Grammarly, and ASmallOrange services.

I use a few more and share them with readers when it becomes necessary to share my personal experience.

Choose your products, use them yourself, and then promote them if they are worth it.

It’s the best affiliate marketing lesson that I have learned over time.

10. Transfer the Value

The most important thing of all is ‘transferring the value’ — Do it.

Your blog’s ultimate goal should be helping the readers, and if it’s not helping it, you might want to do some serious work on it, even if you would have to put it upside down.

The value is the help and problem-solving ingredients that you will give to your readers to stay connected.

You want them right from the beginning of your blogging journey.

Be the GIVER and see the results.

Being a giver doesn’t mean that you have to give expensive products to your readers for free; in fact, it’s about giving your TIME, ENERGY, and ATTENTION.

Show how you care about them.

Quick Links:

Conclusion: Things You Must Do After Starting a New Blog

That is it. Starting a blog seems to be an exciting journey, and surely it is.

The dark side of this journey is that you have to think like a LEADER and an ENTREPRENEUR at different times. When new bloggers remain unable to think that way, their blogging journey stops right there…

The purpose of sharing these ten tips was to make you AWARE that it’s not going to be easy.

Because you might have to LEARN more than you already know in order to stand out from the crowd.

People are doing good, which is why you have to do great to beat them.

Are you up for this challenge?

arun singh
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I am Arun Singh, an experienced server management geek with a track record of over 8 years in handling hosting servers. I am currently based in Mumbai, India, where I work in a private company and I also handle server management at Alongside my expertise in server management, I also enjoy sharing my knowledge in digital marketing. With a passion for both fields, I strive to provide optimal server performance and occasionally contribute insights in the ever-evolving realm of digital marketing. My dedication to excellence drives me to deliver efficient solutions and contribute to the success of businesses.

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