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10 Types of Blog Posts People Love To Read In 2024

Are you scratching your head to come up with an idea to write the next great post?

Have you ever thought about writing an article that people would love to read but couldn’t even start writing?

Are you still reading other blogs to get some ideas and then compile them in a single post?


If you are one of them, then sit back, relax, and read this article for better ideas for your next blog post.

Here, I am going to talk about 10 types of blog posts that I have used to drive traffic to my blog, and people love to read and share them.

10 Types of Blog Posts People Love To Read In 2024

Blogging Statistics and Facts

1. Tutorial Posts

We all love to write such posts. These posts help people learn something new, solve their problems, and make their lives easier.

Such articles provide step-by-step instructions for your readers to accomplish any particular task.

Having visuals (images, videos) is a MUST for such types of articles, as we are going to teach them something, so explaining everything with the help of pictures is a great idea.

Most of the time, such posts are about tools or any online service, so you must put maximum effort into explaining things clearly.

People who are searching for such tutorials are strongly motivated to learn how to use that tool/service, so giving them what they want in an easy manner will make them more comfortable.

2. Interviews

Personally, I love this. This one practice can open many doors for you.

You can learn more about great internet marketers and help your readers learn the tactics directly from experts.

Interviews motivate people; they make them feel more inspired and more dedicated to the work they are doing.

So you can start an interview series on your blog where you can ask your niche-related questions. This will make your blog popular and industry experts will love to share your content.

3. List Articles

When I read one article on Income Diary about how he got over 100,000 visitors in a month just by writing list articles, I also started writing them on my blog.

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You can check on my blog that around 60% of my articles are list articles.

Why such articles are most successful?

  1. Because we are giving them specific examples of our points (like this post, “10 Types of Blog Posts That People Love to Read“).
  2. Such articles are very easy to scan.
  3. Such articles don’t need any extra effort to read big paragraphs.
  4. Such articles give us a picture of points in our minds.
  5. We become curious to check new points (as we already know a few of them).

In short, these articles are easy to write, easy to scan and ultimately easy to let people come in.

4. Review Posts

I was not the type of guy who loved to write review posts on my blog.

Because they require a lot of effort and you need to cover every point of the product you are reviewing, one day, an advertiser approached me and offered $550 for writing a single review article on one of my blogs.

Yeah.. money talks.. 😉 So, I started writing review articles on my blog.

These are the types of articles that help people to make their decision to buy products.

If you are writing review articles on your blog, then make sure you are adding actionable elements.

These elements will let people take quick action, and they will end up buying products with your affiliate links.

5. Resource Posts

These articles can put extra money in your pocket every day. 😉

People love to know about the tools and services used by blogs, which they love to read. In my case, it was the Smart Passive Income blog, where I used to check his tools and services.

Bloggers income

These pages build confidence in your readers to buy products because they believe in you.

6. Infographics

If you can hire anyone to make an infographic for you, this would be one of your best online investments to boost your brand.

Read this SEO strategy written by Brian Dean at Backlinko.

His one infographic went so viral that he ended up getting hundreds of quality links free of cost.

So you can start publishing other people’s infographics on your blog, share them on various social media sites to bring more people on your blog.

7. Round-up Series

This is something which I am going to start soon.

You must be reading hundreds of articles on various blogs every week, and there will be many articles that you love to read again and again.

You can compile those articles on your blog and let your reader know what you learnt last week.

By sharing other people’s articles on your blog, you will not only help your readers learn something new but also strengthen your relationships with people.

You can check one example here, where one of my online friends shared my article in his round-up series.

8. Giveaways

I know you love giveaways. 😉 This is a nice opportunity to grab premium things free of cost.

I keep running various giveaways on my blog because people love to participate in them. On the days when I run giveaways, I have observed more traffic than usual.

You can contact the advertisers and show them your blog for giveaways.

If your blog has quality articles and good stats, advertisers will sponsor giveaways on your blog, which will ultimately start bringing more traffic to your blog.

9. Video/Audio Tips

Audio/video hits our subconscious mind more than anything. We can recall the things which we have seen or listened to.

Putting audio/video content on your blog can please your readers because such content can be consumed anytime.

Reading any article requires proper time, as you will have to sit in front of a computer or magazine to read it.

But this is not applicable to audio. You can listen to them anywhere.

If you don’t know how to start an audio/video podcast on your blog, you can check out SmartPassiveIncome’s blog.

10. Your Personal Experience

These articles bring more traffic than any other articles mentioned above.

If you don’t agree with the above statement, let me ask you one question.

I have two articles on my blog:

  • How do you attract 10,000 visitors to your blog?
  • How did I attract 10,000 visitors to my blog in 25 days?

Which article would you love to read first?

I think you got the answer.

We love to read articles that are more personal than generic ones.

So, writing articles that convey your true story to your audience will bring more traffic, and people will love to read more articles written by you.

Quick Links:

Wrapping up: Types of Blog Posts People Love To Read

These are types of blog posts that you can use to get more loyal readers and, ultimately, more traffic.

If you are still writing one type of blog post on your blog, then start doing more experiments and see what your readers want.

Now, it’s your turn-

If you think I have missed anything in this article, feel free to add more value here. I would love to have more suggestions from you so that I can produce more awesome content in the future.

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Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja, a WordPress Plugin, and he is also the founder of multi-award-winning blog,, along with, and Megablogging. He is a successful online marketer & award-winning digital marketing consultant. He has been featured on HuffingtonPost, BusinessWorld, YourStory, Payoneer, Lifehacker & other leading publications as a successful blogger & digital marketer.

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