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8 Powerful Techniques to Set Your Mind to Write Stunning Articles in 2024

Do you struggle to get started on writing articles? I used to feel the same way.

It can be hard to find the right words and stay motivated. Luckily, I found some powerful techniques that changed everything.

These tips helped me focus, boost my creativity, and write stunning articles. Now, I’m excited to share these methods with you.

Whether you’re a beginner or looking to improve, these techniques will set your mind to write with ease and confidence.

Let’s dive into these simple yet effective strategies to transform your writing experience.

So, What Will You Learn In This Blog Post?

Most probably, you wouldn’t have read half of these tips anywhere before. Just a quick outline of what this blog post is about:

  • Two ways Twitter can help you stop procrastinating your writing
  • Two extremely useful tools… And best of all – FREE
  • One method top copywriters regularly use to beat procrastination

And a little more…

8 Powerful Techniques to Set Your Mind to Write Stunning Articles in 2024

I don’t intend to waste your time. I value time as much as you do.

So I’ll tell you about these seven methods straight away. Here they are:

1. Set up an Egg Timer and Start Writing in the Dark Room

how to get mindful ideas for writing articles

Dark Room (for Windows only) is software, by the way. Check out WriteRoom for Mac.

Sometimes, you have a small starting problem. On those occasions, this method will work perfectly.

Go to Egg Timer website and set it to 20 minutes. Open the Dark Room software. Now, start writing the post.

And even if you cannot start, do anything but stare at the empty screen for 20 minutes. You will probably start writing something at least by the 10-minute mark.

This method is so simple, and it works. Both Egg Timer and Dark Room are completely free.

2. Read a Success Story

There are tons of them out there.

Read blog posts that teach you how to grow 6500+ subscribers or posts that explain how the author earned $20,683.09 in blog revenue.

success story for writing blogs

These stories inspire you to start blogging. I bookmark posts like these and read them when I don’t feel like blogging.

I read Success stories whenever I feel like, “I don’t want to start this blog post. I will write it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or next week or maybe never.”

You can also read success stories about blogging in general. Go to Hubspot blog and search for (or use tag browser) keywords like:

  • “How We Grew”
  • “We increased”

You will find tons of success stories like these:

This method is different from the first one because instead of getting inspiration and motivation, you read about what others did to succeed.

I use this method sometimes when I get overwhelmed by blogging or feel like giving up.

The best thing about success stories is that they are written by real people who succeeded in blogging, not some fake guru.

3. Read a Previously Received Compliment

You’ve probably received positive comments or compliments from your readers at some point.

Please go and read them. I’m very sure they will inspire you.

You can use Twitter creatively here. When someone sends a positive comment about you, favourite the tweet by clicking the star icon near that tweet.

This will save it to your favourites. You can read it whenever you want.

This is one way Twitter can help us beat procrastination. I’ll teach you the second way now. (I said there are two ways, right?)

4. Send Out a Tweet That You’ll Publish a Post Today

Remember that I told you you should not start tweeting when you don’t feel like writing unless that tweet is a ‘particular tweet’?

Here it is: “Gotta go and write now. I Will publish a post today.”

You can rephrase it in whatever way you want as long as you are telling your followers that you will publish a post today.

This works. Guaranteed. Why?

Because you are actually saying to the world that you will write, you can escape it when you say only in your mind.

But you will feel guilty when you don’t publish a post after saying that you will write one today to all your followers.

They might not ask you about it if you don’t write a post, but they will know.

5. Start Reading Headlines

Some of the top copywriters use this technique. Brian Clark uses it for inspiration.

Michael Martine uses it for headlines. And so do many other bloggers and copywriters.

The best thing about reading headlines is that they not only help you come up with blog post ideas but also help you write. They trigger your “love for writing.”

I have headline swipe files that I often browse through for inspiration.

You should create one, too. It’s simple and doesn’t cost you a penny. Just save all the stunning headlines that you come across in a file.

6. Write a List Post

List posts are the best way to start blogging when you don’t feel like writing anything.

I know it may sound counterintuitive, but when I started blogging, list posts gave me an opportunity to practice my writing skills even when I didn’t want to write.

I have made list posts as my default posts for months. Why? I don’t know.

I just liked the idea of making a list post every time I didn’t feel like writing anything else.

It helped me to write regularly and come up with ideas that I otherwise couldn’t think about.

7. Watch a Video… An Inspiring One

When I say video, don’t watch just about anything.

There are just too many good videos, which will keep you occupied for a long time and might never allow you to return to writing.

Watch only the inspiring ones. I recommend watching Gary Vaynerchuk’s video below.

Every time Gary says “hustle,” my blood pressure pumps up—and you will feel it, too. He is charismatic.

I have it downloaded to a computer’s hard drive so that I don’t need to go to YouTube every time.


If all this doesn’t help you start writing the post, here’s what:

8. Post a Comment On Any Article Or Social Media Posts 

Okay, not necessarily this post. Go to any blog – your favourite blog – and comment on a blog post.

When you post a comment, you actually break that “I don’t feel like writing” obstacle and dive into the creative zone.

Your brain starts to open up, and you will feel the need to write down your thoughts on paper quickly.

I’m telling you this from experience, and I’m quite sure you have experienced it before when you commented on a blog post.

And, if the blog is your favourite one, you will be giving them something, too.

Give it a try. It works for me every time.

Quick Links:

Conclusion: Tips to Set Your Mind to Write Stunning Articles in 2024

Do you ever have a great idea for a blog post but struggle to start writing?

Don’t worry; just choose one of the seven techniques above, and you’ll be well on your way to completing an excellent blog post.

What techniques do you use to stop procrastinating and start writing?

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments or dedicate a whole blog post to the topic and let me know.

Please share your views in the comments. I would appreciate it if you could tweet this post and spread the word.

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Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja, a WordPress Plugin, and he is also the founder of multi-award-winning blog,, along with, and Megablogging. He is a successful online marketer & award-winning digital marketing consultant. He has been featured on HuffingtonPost, BusinessWorld, YourStory, Payoneer, Lifehacker & other leading publications as a successful blogger & digital marketer.

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